Week One: Results

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When Harry woke up, his eyes were cloudy and his voice scratchy and he was just plain tired. He didn't sleep the best that night, mostly because he was thinking about leaving the competition during the double elimination and having to loose all of the wonderful friends he's made. And Louis. They weren't in a relationship, no titles were placed and it had only been a week or so since their date thing at Louis', but Harry has grown quite fond of the older man and Louis felt the same. They had been talking nonstop for the last week, texting about random things to get to know each lather, and Harry was happy.

He rolled over, expecting to see Ziall lying in bed together like they were when Harry went to bed, but it was just Zayn in the twin size bed, shirt off and mouth open, deep sleep evident. Harry scanned the room in search for Niall and didn't see him so he must have been in the bathroom or in the kitchen. So, after pulling on his skinny jeans and a Jack Wills sweater, Harry made his way to the kitchen to get breakfast.

He walked in and Niall, Della, Christina, and The Twists were all sitting around eating cereal.

"Good morning Harry," Christina greeted him.

"Morning," Harry says back, morning voice prominent.

"Aw," Della coos. "Sleepy, morning Harry is so cute!"

Harry rolled his eyes and sat down next to Niall, gratefully taking the bowl of cereal that Christine had just poured for him. He just eats quietly, listening to the light conversation going on around him. His mind was only really on how the results would be going. He knew that everyone in the competition would be performing a song once the show starts and there with be two guest performers there as well. If Harry remembers correctly, it was Liam Payne and Little Mix. He was quite excited for them to be performing; he loved them both and he's already met Liam and really wanted to meet the girls of Little Mix. He was also anxiously waiting for who was going to be in the bottom two and have to perform for the judges to see who got to stay. He really hoped he wasn't going to be in that.

A little while later, after everyone was up and had eaten breakfast, they all made their way to the stadium to rehearse the group song and get ready for the show to start.

It was busy all day, everyone rushing around to get things done and to meet the guests coming in. They arrived around noon and he was very excited to say the least. He was sitting with the other contestants, waiting to greet everyone that came in like they were told to do by the producers. He was sitting g between Della and Niall - who wasn't even paying attention to Harry because he was happily chatting away with Christina; Harry hasn't seen him speak to Zayn at all that day, which confused him a lot. Zayn and Niall were literally sleeping with each other the night before so them ignoring each other was weird. Harry shrugged it off though and chatted with Della about cats, which Harry loved and so did Della.

Della was in the middle of telling Harry about her ragdoll cat she had at home - something about her boyfriend taking care of it while she was away - when the doors to the room opened and Liam Payne walked in with Louis following behind him, laughing at something that was said or done. Harry was curious what was done to make Louis smile like that. His eyes were crinkled and small and his teeth were showing so much that Harry could see his bottom teeth as well. It was the most precious thing Harry has even seen, ever, if he's honest.

"Hey guys," Liam waved, catching everyone's attention. Niall's face light up Harry noticed, and all the girls, well, most of the girls, let out squeaks of excitement and most of the guys stop talking immediately. ("Fuck man, that's Liam Payne", Harry hears one of the guys - Justin - say). Harry observed Liam's face for a moment, taking in his relaxing brown eyes, his slight facial hair, and his beautiful face. Liam was attractive, there was no denying that, and if Harry didn't feel the need to be physically attached to Louis at all times he would probably be attracted to Liam as well.

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