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"You want to know something?" Della says as  she jumped over the back of the sofa and landed smoothly next to yHarry. Harry locked his phone and turned to the smiling girl and raised an eyebrow at her. Her hair was done up on a bun on top of her head and her eyeliner was winged to perfection, something Harry would be envious of if he wore makeup.

"What?" He asked. Della was always asking and telling Harry weird things so he wouldn't be surprised if something crazy comes out of her mouth right then. If someone were to ask who the craziest and loudest one in the house was, Harry would easily say Della because she was eccentric and giggly and happy all the time and she would run around the house singing from the top of her lungs, claiming that it's how she warmed up her vocals before the show.

Della picked at her black nail polish as she confidently said, "I think you and someone in this competition would be great together."

Harry raised an eyebrow at that and thinks about all of the possible people she could be pairing him with, but the only person his mind willingly travels to is Louis, and he's not technically in this competition.


"Me of course," Della smirks. Harry's eyes widen at that and Della laughs because she was Della and she literally laughed at everything - she was worse than Niall.

"I'm just kidding H," she rolls her eyes. "I was actually thinking you and Justin, from First Step, would make a cute couple. He's gay, did you know that?"

Harry cracks a smile at that until he realised Harry's never told Della that he was gay. Like ever. He's never told anyone in the house that he was, so it kind of shocked him that Della just knew.

"What makes you assume I'm gay?" Harry wondered, causing Della to scoff at him and pat his shoulder in a reassuring type of way.

"H, honey, it's painfully obvious." She says. "I've met enough straight men to know when a gay man is in my presence. Plus," she smirks. "No straight man wears jeans that tight."

"Della!" Harry laughed. She was right though. His jeans were really tight and when he put them on in the mornings he always had to do a little wiggle to get into them. They were also the hardest things to get off in the evenings. He couldn't just slide them down his legs like he would with a pair of sweatpants, no, these pants required a lot of tugging and pulling to get them off of Harry's legs. Plus, his pants are probably the tightest in the house and he's currently living with a girl band, a boy band, and Della, who wears skinny jeans everyday unless she's lazy and only puts on sweatpants.

However, she holds her hands up in defence, "I'm just saying Harry, if you were to be getting it on with someone, it would take them like ten minutes to get your pants off."

"They are not that tight," Harry scoffs.

"Dude, how do your balls breathe in those things?" Della laughed.

Harry couldn't help but laugh really hard when she says that, which causes everyone to walk in the lounge and see him with his head thrown back and belly laughing like a maniac.

"What did you do to the boy Dells?" Christina, an over who was basically the mum of the house, came out of the kitchen and asked. Della smiled and turned to the older woman and shrugged.

"I just made a point that his pants were tight. What do you think about his pants Chris?" The lilac haired girl asked. Christina walked over and took a long look at Harry's jeans and shook her head.

"I think," she pats Harry's head when he stopped laughing. "That you need to let your parts breathe son."

Harry rolls his eyes at that and stands up, raising his hands in defence.

"I came here to have a nice time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now. I must be leaving. Nice speaking with you." Harry waves and begins walking away until Della catches him by the wrist and tugs him back to the sofa and makes him sit down. The boy huffs and crosses his arms over his chest before pouting like a child, causing Della to squeal and pinch his cheeks and Christina to chuckles and walk out of the room and back to the kitchen. Harry loosens up and smacked Della's hands away from his cheeks with a laugh.

Della was grinning like an idiot and Harry admired how her teeth were perfectly straight, not a single imperfection with her smile at all.

"Do you think Zayn and Niall are gonna end up together?" Della suddenly asked, a genuine look of curiosity crossing her face.

Harry thinks about her question for a moment, thinking about how well Zayn and Niall got on. They were attached at the hip and were very touchy with each other. It was like Harry wanted to be publicly with Louis, even if he knew he couldn't. Zayn was always looking at Niall with the only thing Harry could describe as fondness, and Niall was the same. The blond was always his happiest when he was with the dark haired man. It was cute and Harry was envious. Everyone was really though. They all saw how the two were so close and even if it was all platonic, everyone thought it was cute. Well, Harry thought it was cute when they weren't whispering back and forth between themselves at night while Harry tried to sleep. It was always light conversation, about cute animals or their favourite films. It didn't bother Harry really until Zayn said something that caused Niall to burst into a fit of laughter that made him start shaking the bed. At that point in time, Harry wasn't fond of their relationship because he was quite tired that day and just wanted sleep.

"I don't know," Harry shrugged, because really, he didn't know what would happen with them. He just hoped that the two were happy with whatever the outcome of their relationship was.

Della nods before saying, "We should call them Ziall."


"Mhm," she nods. "It's their ship name; Ziall. Zayn and Niall. Adorable, yeah?"

Harry chuckled and nodded. He couldn't help but wonder what his and Louis' ship name would be of they were given one. Houis? Lourry? Maybe he'd discuss it with Louis and they could come up with something.

"Well," Della says and stands up, ruffling Harry's hair in the process. "I'm off to bed. Sleep tight, bug."

"You too Dell," Harry smiles and waves her off, watching as she walked up the stairs, only to follow a few minutes later and drag his self up the stairs and to his room. He quietly opened the door, trying not to wake 'Ziall' as Della calls them, and was thoroughly shocked by seeing them cuddled in Zayn's bed. Zayn had his back pushed against the wall, an arm under Niall's head, and his other arm holding him close to his chest while Niall had his left hand securely under his shirt. As a sort of comfort, Harry supposed. Harry smiles lightly at the sight and lays in his bed, pulling the blanket over him and turning to face the wall, walking asleep with the thought of Ziall and the results the next day.


Hello you beautiful, wonderful person. As you can see, this is short and stuff and kinda based around Ziall because that's a side ship that I'm going to play around with. I'm still thinking about Niam as well so maybe it'll end up with that. But yeah. By Wednesday there will be a chapter up about the results and such and I've got a bit planned for that as well.

Sorry for this filler I guess. But every story needs filler chapter to let the readers rest from things that are going on in the big chapters.

Anyways, as you can see, Della is a prominent character I suppose in this story and there is a reason for her to be so. She's a good guy don't worry. She won't try to kill Harry. I promise. Actually, I've based her character off of myself because I'm quite like her in the personality aspects - the looks not so much - and I like adding in small things to show who I am as a writer and as a person.

I hoped you like it. It was short, but whatever.

Thank you for reading, of course, and I love you so much for reading it. I work really hard with this. And I'm quite proud of it already.

Please vote and comment if you'd like. Thanks.


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