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I'm sorry


Being in a relationship with a world famous pop start like Louis Tomlinson was something Harry thought he'd never experience. Being apart of a scandal with a world famous pop star like Louis Tomlinson was also something he thought he'd never experience. But here he was. Stuck in a conference room with the producers, Louis' management, and a fucking lawyer. Why did they need a lawyer? Was this about to get incredibly nasty?

Harry was dressed as well as he could be since he really didn't know what this thing was going to be like. He was wearing a simple black tee shirt, paired with denim jeans that clung to his legs, and his brown boots. Louis had told him when they arrived that he looks okay, but once Harry got a glimpse of the people in the room, he felt like a slob. Simon was the only exception to those men and women though because he was wearing his usual Simon-y outfit - white tee shirt and mum jeans. Harry snorted to himself as he thought that because that exactly what Simon was wear. Fucking mum jeans. Simon has tons of money but he chooses to spend it on mum jeans. Okay Simon.

Anyways, Louis was sitting right next to Harry in the conference room, twiddling his thumbs, waiting for something to be said. They were both anxious for what their punishment was to be - though Louis kept telling his management team that having feelings for someone shouldn't be punishment worthy, and he was right. It shouldn't. But he was in the business were he couldn't just date anybody, especially not his own contestant on the X-Factor. But he was and that's why he was here. Harry let out a quiet sigh, desperate for them to start talking to them, but they were only talking quietly to each other, not even addressing Louis and Harry at all. Harry could tell that Louis was getting irritated with that because he kept huffing, squirming around in his seat, and picking at his nails. Harry tapped his thigh with his thumb, catching Louis' attention and getting him to relax a bit and smile at Harry reassuringly.

Louis taps Harry thigh just the same, with his thumb and a small smile, and Harry felt the weight of whatever was going to happen fall off of his shoulders. Just looking at Louis' smile made him feel ten times better than he was when he was sitting there staring at the business men and women - and Simon. It scared Harry a bit by how calm Louis makes him feel. Was that normal? His mum use to tell him that if you're calm and comfortable around your lover, then it's meant to be. Was he meant to be with Louis? Was this sense of calmness love?

Harry shakes the thought away - he couldn't be thinking about being in love with Louis while he was at a meeting about him and Louis. They've only been dating for a few weeks, he can't be in love with Louis yet. Can he?

"Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Styles," Katie, one of the ladies in Louis' management team, addresses them, successfully taking Harry's attention away from the thought of love. "It seems that we've reached a predicament and I'm afraid it might put an impediment on either your relationship or your career."

"I don't see how it would Katie," Louis shrugs. "Our relationship isn't hurting anything or anyone, so I don't know how it would affect our careers. I will be able to out out music just fine, better even, if I'm in a relationship with Harry. Harry, if he wins the competition, will do just fine with his career, and if he doesn't win, he'll still be fine. This really isn't that big of a deal, so don't make it one."

Katie sighs, "I'm afraid it is a big deal Louis. Coming out as gay to the public will jeopardise your image as you know it. You'll no longer be seen as the quirky pop star who gives to charity. People will see you as the gay man cheating in the X-Factor. Do you really want that?"

"But we haven't fucking cheated!" Louis cries. Harry flinches as he sees his boyfriends management team glare at Louis and he want to snap at them and tell them to stop.

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