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Before we start, I'd like to say that all of my thoughts and prayers go out to Paris and the people affected by this awful thing that has happened. I hope everyone is safe now and I just want to let you know that everyone I know is keeping you in their hearts and prayers.

All the love. Xx.


Everyone was back in London now. None of the boys were happy about it. They all wanted to go back to LA and have a proper holiday there, but they had to come back and finish up the show.

Harry wasn't too excited about coming back either. He was quite enjoying being in LA with the lads. For the last two days, he hung out with Niall and Zayn and occasionally, when the two went out by themselves, he would chat with Louis. And if Harry wasn't confused before that almost kiss between him and Louis before then, he definitely was now. But both boys pretended that it didn't happen and when they were left alone, Harry tried his best to flirt, though he wasn't very good at flirting. So, when they hung out, he just kind of let Louis do all of the flirting. If he was even flirting, Harry had no idea, but Harry felt like they had a connection in some way and they did almost kiss until they were interrupted by Louis' phone.

Harry sighed and continued getting ready for the show. He was already dressed, and he was fixing his hair but it wasn't going well. He sighed again and plopped down in one of the chairs in the room and closed his eyes. He was completely unaware of Louis walking into the room a few seconds later. Louis raised his eyebrow at Harry's slumped over body and walked up behind him, placing his hands on Harry's shoulders, shocking Harry and making him jump nearly out of his skin. His eyes snap open and he looks in the mirror and saw Louis laughing at the frightened boy.

"S'not funny Louis," Harry griped and slumped back again, his head touching Louis' lower stomach region.

"Sure it is," Louis shrugged. "But what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Harry grunts. He just really wasn't having a good day and he didn't necessarily want to stress out over whether or not Louis chose him to go through to the live shows. But Louis didn't believe Harry when he said nothing and he tugged at a piece of his hair gently and asked again, only to have Harry respond with the same answer of nothing.

"Alright, if you want to be difficult, fine. I'm going to get ready." Louis sighs and with a squeeze to Harry's shoulders, Louis was walking out of the room to go get ready for the show that was starting in forty-five minutes. Harry groans and gets back to doing his hair.

Harry finally finished his hair and got it to sit the way he wanted it to after another fifteen minutes. When he was finished, he knew that he had to go sit with the rest of the boys, so that's what he did and he went to find Niall and Zayn. He walked down the hall and looked in every open door that he passed to see if he could spot his friends chilling out in them, but he didn't and finally found them standing with Louis, watching people set up the chairs for the three contests within each category that would be staying to continue on with the competition. Harry's stomach tightens at the thought of not getting a chair and continuing.

Maybe that's why Louis is being nice to you. To lessen the blow when you find out that you didn't get through, Harry thought. He quickly shakes his head at the thought and walks over to the three. He stands next to Niall and judges his side with his elbow, which causes the fake blond to turn and smile widely at him.

"Hi Harry," Niall greets, causing Zayn and Louis to turn and look at him as well. Zayn smiled politely and Louis smirks like he knew something that Harry didn't.

"Hey," Harry weakly grins. Niall suddenly made a loud noise that Harry couldn't quite make out the meaning of and tugged Harry and Zayn by their wrist back down the hall.

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