Meet the Family

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"Are you going to tell me who he is now or am I going to have to guess until I get the answer out of you?"


"You're a little shit, I hope you know."

Harry was with Della - of course - on the swing outside of the house eating cake that Harry made ("I was a baker before I auditioned") and talking about Harry's love life, as always. Harry doesn't think that there has been a time that they've actually discussed Della's love life. He feels like it's only ever been his, which was hard because he actually had to hide his while Della could speak freely about her boyfriend.

"Have I met him before? I know I have so don't lie." She says and sets her plate on the ground in front of her. She sat back up and pulled her jacket closer to her and adjusted her scarf around her neck. The weather was getting colder and colder as the days went on and Della was big fan of cold weather. That's why they were outside eating cake in the first place.

Harry shrugs, "Probably so."

The lilac haired girl groans and throws her hands up.

"Fine. Be difficult. I already know anyways," she states. Harry eyes her for a second before nodding and telling her to go on and say who it was if she knew already.

"It's quite obvious Harry," Della says. "I'm actually surprised that no one else has caught on with the act."

"Well tell me before you start assuming you twat!" Harry laughs.


"What?" Harry's feels his breath catch in his throat as she says his boyfriends name. He knew he wasn't very good at keeping his feeling for Louis from showing but he didn't know that people could tell that something was going on. Della just raises an eyebrow at her friend like he was dumb for even trying to keep the secret.

"It's Louis innit?" She asked again. Harry let out a sigh and nodded, which caused Della to squeak and hug him.

"You both are the absolute worst liars in the entire world!" Della laughs with her head rested on Harry's shoulder.

"We are not!" Harry scoffs. "But now that you've got it out of me, you have to promise to keep it a secret okay? Nick already found out and he's holding it over our heads, taunting us with it."

"Is he?" She gasped. "That twat! Nick has always been lovely to me and all of the other girls. Who knew that he could actually be a knob head? You know what? I'll fight 'im for ya."

"Is it a Donny thing to be so aggressive?" Harry asks. Louis and Della were both from Doncaster, coincidentally enough, and were both quite similar in the aspects of their personalities. They were both quite aggressive, always ready to fight if needs be, and they were both really loving and sweet people, which contradicts the aggressive part of them. Harry was quite fond of both of their personalities, loving how they could go from wanting to fight someone to being cute and cuddly. Harry was almost sure they were related somehow. Cousins from a past life or something.

"Don't go comparing me to your boyfriend, ya?" Della says with a joking smile. She pulls away and ruffles Harry's hair before grabbing both of their plates and standing up.

"I'm knackered," she yawns. "Bed time for me."

Harry smiles and follows her into the quite house. Everyone was already asleep so that made the house even more quieter than it was now that there were only six of them left. Harry quite missed everyone that hung around the kitchen or lounge, talking about silly things or their families.

"Night Della," Harry says and kisses her head.

"Goodnight bug," Della responds and pushes him away from her and to the direction of his own room.

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