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That's Della.


"Morning Harry," the driver says as Harry climbs into the car. Harry smiled kindly and says hello before sitting back and letting the camera crew get into the car and sit across from him. Harry was told that they would be going with him to the studio and to learn his choreography and to the photo shoot he and the boys had that night.

"Tell us what you're doing today Harry," the guy with the camera said. Harry believes his name was John, but he wasn't sure.

"Um," he smiles nervously. "I'm going to the studio to learn my song for the week and after that I'm going to learn my choreography. Plus, after that, the other lads and I will be going to do a photo shoot I believe. Busy day," he chuckles and glances out the window and takes in the streets of London.

"You know what the theme is, yeah?" John, maybe, asked. Harry turned back to the camera man and nodded.

"Yeah," he says. "It's hero week."

"Anyone your hero and you really want to perform a song by or for?"

Harry nods again and furrows his eyebrows, "I'm hoping Louis will say I can do one of my Mum's favourite songs. She's definitely my hero and she'll be at the show on Saturday so I want to sing something special for her."

John, it was definitely John - the driver said it - nodded and shut the camera off, getting all of the footage he needed for the car ride and within ten minutes, they were stopping outside an urban looking building that didn't really look like a studio from the outside. Harry pushes the door open and grabs his satchel - it's not a purse - and walks out of the van with the camera crew following behind and Harry distinctly remembers where Louis told him the room was, but the camera crew pointed him into the direction he was supposed to go in and he finally walked into a room where a table was set up, along with a mic and a few couches. Louis was sat on one of the couches, flipping through a packet of paper and wearing glasses. Jesus, Louis, are you deliberately trying to kill me with your good looks? Harry thinks and walks further into the room.

"Hey," he awkwardly says, getting everyone's attention, including Louis'. The older man stands up quickly and welcomes Harry by pulling him into a tight hug and letting go quickly -very quickly in Harry's opinion - so he could introduce him to everyone else in the room. He walks him over to the table where a brunette woman was sitting along side a man with a moustache and glasses.

"This is Annie, she the vocal coach. She'll be helping you a lot during the competition. She's help you figure out your breathing patterns and things like that and also help you remember the lyrics and notes for your songs." Louis says and gestures to the lady. Harry smiles and shakes her hand before reaching for the man with the glasses' hand.

"And this is Robert. He's here to help fix arrangements for the songs." Louis tells him. Harry nods and smiles again and he nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt Louis' hand on his lower back, turning his so he could see the small band sitting off to the chatting between themselves.

"And that's the band," Louis says, catching their attention. "Michael, the pianist, Dylan, the drummer, and Steven, the guitarist."

Harry walks away from Louis' touch and shakes hands with all of them and says hello with a smile. Harry's always been know to greet everyone he meets, even in a large crowd. He enjoyed meeting new people and especially enjoyed meeting people who loved music, and these people certainly did or they wouldn't be doing their jobs and working with amateur singers and such.

"Alright," Louis claps his hands. "Are you ready?"

"More than ever," Harry grins.

"Good. Have you thought of a song to sing? It's heroes week so it can either go the way of a singer being your hero, or something personal."

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