Song Writing

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Louis was incredibly happy with his choices during the Six Chair Challenge. He was glad he made the decision to give Harry a seat, although there was really no hesitation when it came to him after he pulled out his own song and rocked it. The song he wrote showed a vulnerable side of Harry that Louis hasn't seen before and it showed how incredibly talented he is, even at such a young age. Louis, no matter what though, was always going to have a soft spot for Harry, whether it be because of his amazing voice, or because of the small crush that Louis really didn't think he had on him. Besides, even if he did have a crush on Harry, nothing would come out of it. Louis is his mentor and Harry is a contestant--though, after the show, maybe something could happen?

No. Louis quickly pushed the thought away, because honestly, if it were to get out that they had a 'thing' going on, everyone would think that Louis was using that to get Harry through the X-Factor and Louis definitely didn't want that. Though, I do want Harry.

Louis sighed and shook his head at the though. He really shouldn't be having thoughts like this about his contestant. It wasn't right and it made everything even more confusing than it already was for Louis.

"You alright mate?" Louis' friend, Liam, who was also a singer/songwriter and the guest judge with Louis for the next show, asked him with concern filling his voice. He was chilling with Louis in a hotel room, talking about life and the possible candidates to choose from when they get to the judges house. Liam was one of Louis' best friends, because they're about the same age and have both been going through the same lifestyle since a young age. Louis started becoming popular and was getting noticed when he was seventeen and he met Liam the next year at an award show, since Liam was also getting higher in the charts. Everyone thought they hated each other for a while because the two were always, still to this day, competing on the charts. One day Louis would have the number one spot, then the next day Liam would have it, but both of them thought the drama the press started between them was funny and it made them really great friends.

"Hello," Liam waved his hand in front of Louis' face to get his attention. "Tommo, you alright?"

Louis' attention snapped to his best mates and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Um," he rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, I'm good. Good. Great."

Liam chuckled and put his guitar down so it was laying beside him on the bed and turned his body so he could get a better view of Louis, who was sprawled out across the brown couch that was sitting a few feet from the bed.

"Alright," Liam rubs his hands together and smirks. "Lay it on me. What are the cool kids doing these days? What's going on in the hood?"

Louis raised an eyebrow at his best friend and pushes his hair out of his eyes. "You alright Liam? You know we don't live in the hood right? We live in the centre of London."

Liam rolls his eyes, "Just tell me what's going on with you. These last couple of weeks you've been zoned out and spacey."

Louis thinks about it for a moment while running his fingers through his soft, brown hair. How was he supposed to tel someone that he has a schoolgirl crush on his contestant? Like, yeah Liam, mate, that one curly haired lad is super cute and I fancy him a lot even though I'm his mentor. Sick. No, he couldn't really find the right words to tell anyone that really.

"Well?" Liam asked impatiently. Louis glanced up at him before rolling his eyes at his anxiousness to know what's going on with Louis, though he was quite happy that his friend cares so much for what was bothering him. It's always great to know you have someone to talk to if you needed, and it seems like Liam is really the only person there most of the time.

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