Home Alone

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Okay Louis, it's all okay. You're fine. You'll always be fine. Don't let anything get to you. It's all okay.

Louis was trying to pump himself up to go have an actual conversation with Harry. He was standing in the living room of the house that they held the Judges House part of the competition at. Louis didn't feel like staying in a hotel for the next two days before they flew back to London so he told the producers that he'd just stay in the large house with the boys and get to know them better. He knew Harry was sitting by himself in the kitchen because all of the other boys had went out to explore or go to bars. Well, not Niall or Zayn. They went to explore LA and the other boys went to the bar since they were over 21 and could drink in the States. So, Harry stayed at the house and Louis thought it was the perfect time to do as Liam said and talk to the boy.

Well, he was going to try and talk to him. His nerves were getting the best of him and he was having a hard time actually going into the kitchen to speak to Harry. Louis has never felt so nervous about anything before. He never got nervous for his concert or anything like that, maybe for an album release but that was a different type of nerve.

He sighed and pushed himself up from the sofa and wiped his sweaty palms on his tight, black jeans. He took a deep breath and pushed the kitchen door open to see Harry sitting at the counter, on his phone and drinking what Louis assumes is chocolate milk. Which, okay, was really cute.

Louis walked in further and went to the fridge to get a water bottle from it. The show had put enough food in the house for a few days until they went back to London. Louis was trying to be casual about being in the kitchen and not freak Harry out in some type of way, because let's face it, if someone you didn't know very well just walked up to you and started flirting, you'd be a bit freaked out. So, Louis casually opens up the water bottle and props himself against the counter. Harry glanced up at him and smiled, finally acknowledging Louis' presence.

"Hi Louis," he smiles. Louis nearly melts at how cute his smile and personality is. Harry was just a cute person in general.

"Hi Harry," Louis smiles back and walks over to sit at the bar next to Harry. "How's it going?"

Harry nods and locks his phone and laying in on the countertop. "Fine. All the boys went out so its kind of boring, but it's okay. What about you? Don't you have an album coming out soon?"

And okay, Harry was rambling, but Louis thought that was cute, just like everything Harry does. So, with a small chuckle, Louis nods and leans his elbows on the counter.

"Yeah I do. It's called A.M.." He smiles at the younger boy. "It comes out on the thirteenth of November."

"Not too far away then," Harry smiles. Louis nods and takes another sip from his water bottle.

"You want to do something tonight?" Louis blurts after a few moments of silence. Harry's head snaps up in his direction and his mouth was hanging open slightly and his green eyes were wide. Wow Louis, great going, Louis thought to himself with a blush.

"Um," Harry blushed as well. "Me?"

Louis awkwardly laughs and nods, "Yeah. Let's do something."

Harry nods slowly and says, "Yeah... Okay. What?"

Louis thinks of all the possible things they could do around the large house because there was no way that Louis was going to take him out around LA and expect there not to be paps following him around, curious as to why he was bringing his contestant out with him. So, staying at the house would be a better option.

"Let's go swimming." Louis smiles and stands from the stool. Harry eyes him before doing the same and realises that he didn't bring his bathing suit with him.

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