A Strange Phenomenon

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Yuzu finished her story only to find a completely blank faced tomato boy trying to comprehend what he just heard.

"So, wait...You're telling me we were attacked by some soldiers, then i was forced into a duel where the damage was real, then the bad guys used some card to fuse our dragons together, but then yuto kissed me right before the soldiers used a move that killed Yuto?" "Hahaaha! That's a good one Yuzu!" Yuya began to laugh at how ridiculous it sounded.

"Yuya, He didn't die. Take a look at your deck." Yuzu picked up His deck and handed it to him.

Yuya began looking through his deck until he found a very familiar card.

"Th-This is?!" Yuya exclaimed as he found a single familiar card that wasn't in his deck before. it was Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon, in other words Yuto's card.

"How did this get in my deck?" He wondered out loud.

"Yuya, the soldiers said that your dragon card is equivalent to your soul, just like dark rebellion is equivalent to his."

Yuzu looked like she was hesitating to say the words she wanted. She was still in shock with what she saw. Between the Academia soldiers, Yuto kissing Yuya right in front of her and Shun, there was just too much on her mind, and worst of all Yuya was clueless so she had to be the one to explain it to him.

"Yuzu?" Yuya looked concerned.

"There is no easy way to say this so I'm just going to come right out with it." yuzu said putting a hand on yuyas shoulder and then turning a little red.

"Yuto is inside of you."

Yuya dropped his deck of cards in shock and embarrassment that Yuzu would even say something so embarrassing and strange.


"When your dragons were fused together, so was your souls."

Yuya sat down in shock. He could not believe Yuzu would even entertain such a thought, it seemed very far fetched to him.

"You don't believe me do you?" Yuzu asked.

"It's not that i think you would lie to me but, it is a rather hard story to believe. I need time to think. " Yuya replied, picking up the deck of cards and putting them back in his deck holder.

"I would imagine so, if you need me i will be downstairs. I will give you some time to think."

Yuzu went downstairs and shut the door.


Yuya went to go lie down on his bed as he touched his lips with his fingers.

Did Yuto kiss me again? Is he really inside me?" The thought embarrassed him.

"Yuya..." A familiar voice echoed in Yuya's mind.

Yuya jumped as he could of swore he heard something. He turned red. why did this voice make him feel warm?"

"Is anyone there?" Yuya wondered out loud.

There was no response.

I must be hallucinating, all this weirdness must be getting to me." He said laughing nervously. Perhaps he had gone crazy.

Yuya looked around the room. touching his hands to his lips yet again as his face turned red. What was this feeling? It almost felt as if he wasn't alone and yet he felt calm, and relaxed, and warm, but of course this was impossible, he was in the room alone.

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