"spare the rod and spoil the child"

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"Yuya wake up! Please awaken! Hurry before they come back!"

The voice who screamed with urgency and cries for help was the only thing reaching yuyas mind.

Who was this voice? Why did he feel nostalgic? He wanted to hear more of the person who the voice belonged to, but he was crippled by the sadness that was reflected in the words of the beholder.

Who made them upset? Why were they crying? Why did he feel like the words pierced every inch of his being? Would he be able to make this person happy? Would that make Him feel better?

No-even more than that, yuya had an overwhelming desire to make this person happy, not to help them but because this person seemed important and familiar to him.

"Yuya.... Don't fade on me Damnit"

Fade? Was the reason The person was upset because of him? Was he in a bad situation himself? It was no use, yuya couldn't remember.

For hours all he could feel and see was nothingness, drifting between consciousness and sleep, but the more the voice cried pleas for help, and the more he was dragged out of his state of mind, drifting closer to the light of the real world, the more he became aware of how terrible he really felt, realizing his body ached in pain, and how much sweat was being produced, it wasn't long before his eyes opened as if his overwhelming desire to save the voice allowed him to track the beholder of the voice, floating above him with tears flowing from the boy who hardly cries, the one who always seemed so tough, the one who smiled in relief as yuyas eyes opened was yuto. only then did yuya realize, that the one who was in trouble wasn't Yuto, the one most important to him, at least not yet anyways, But yuya himself, finding himself trapped inside a machine, powered by yuzu and her counterparts, and the people who were carded.

The man behind the operation was Leo himself.

"Wh-What's going on?" Yuya cried in panic as he had forgotten for a few moments the events before his arrival.

"You don't remember?" Yuto looked concerned

Yuya hung his head down feeling a slight headache, but it wasn't anything in comparison to how the rest of his body felt.

"Not right this moment, my mind feels empty. But I'm sure it will come back to me"

Bokura entered the room, laughing at yuyas embarrassing position snickering.

It soon became apparent that yuya was half naked, only wearing the top half of his clothes, such as his shirt, goggles, and jacket, but his pants and underwear were absent, causing him to turn a deep shade of red, As he noticed yuzu and her counterparts turning away, despite being in a bad situation themselves, and yet there wasn't any time for them to feel as embarrassed as they did, everyone was in danger.

yuyas tail waved back and forth in panic, as it was the only thing unrestrained, as even his wings were held down,

Tears flowed from yuyas eyes, unable to hide his embarrassment and panic,

"What's going on?" He cried,

Yuto held on to him tightly, embarrassed himself,

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