Some answers

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"O..Odd eyes? ..Dark Rebellion??" a very surprised injured tomato boy tried his best to confirm he was not hearing things.

yuto who was also in pain managed to form a sentence.


"Hmph. 'Impossible'? Are you questioning the 'impossible' after everything you two have been through? honestly .... i find it 'impossible' that you would even consider that. " a very frustrated dark rebellions voice echoed in their heads.

"calm your self rebellion! is this how you greet your master after a long awaited ruin-ion?" odd eyes growled.

"master?" yuto and yuya gasped in unison.

"im aware but it wasn't supposed to be this way." rebellion glared.

"alright..whats going on i want answers." yuto scowled.

odd eyes and rebellion looked at each other before nodding in agreement.

"we suppose you deserve to know."

odd eyes began looking down.

Dark rebellion pointed his claw at yuya.


"me?" yuya looked up weakly.

"You do not recall a thing that happened, but this all began because you were suffering."

"hold on a second? how is this yuyas fault?" yuto questioned.

"are you ready to know?" odd eyes mused

"What do you mean am i ready?" yuya asked.

"as we begin to escape this area we will tell you all you need to know. but we have to know you are ready." odd eyes asked to confirm

yuto looked at yuya.

"please tell me." yuya asked.

dark rebellion sighed.

"when you were a young child, you didn't have any friends. You were constantly bullied, until one day, you went to the stadium and saw someone sitting by themselves. You asked them what they were doing and they responded with 'I don't have any friends so i just sit here by myself.' and then you offered your hand out to them and told them. 'I will be your friend.'"

"Wait ....What? who is this i don't remember this?" Yuya asked.

"Let him finish dear." odd eyes said licking yuya.

dark rebellion continued.

"Excited for making your first friend the first person you told was your father. but there was a look of disappointment on his face, something very unlike him. and so while leaving you confused with his look of disapproval, he handed you that pendulum."

"that doesnt sound like something father would do at all." yuya looked down.

"Well, at first you wouldn't think so. but there is a good reason behind it. and the reason is this." odd eyes picked up the story where rebellion left off.

"there becomes a point where some freinds are better left unfriended. and that is when that friend is actually your own darkness taken form of an imaginary freind. and found that you had actually been possessed and had injured those bully's at school to the point where they needed to be sent to the hospital

"Imaginary freind?" yuto gasped while looking at yuya.

"wait! how come i dont remember this?" yuya asked.

"because your father, who knew you were lost in darkness and after giving you that pendulum.. decided he needed someone new to guide you. and so he called upon the duel spirits to cast a spell on you, but at a great cost." odd eyes explained.

"what do you mean?" yuya wanted to know.

"your father decided at the cost of splitting your soul into 4 and altering your memories along with his disappearance, he could prevent your darkness from corrupting this world. and thus your counterparts, came to be. There were some major changes and alterations to the timeline in order for this to happen and specific things were changed. originally if the 4 counterparts began to become a single entity again then you would have became that darkness...but the darkness has found another way."

the two boys could not believe what they were hearing. it was too much to take in at once.

especially Yuya who had learned about what happened to his father.

"Through your children" odd eyes continued

yuya held his hands to his ears.

"Enough I don't wanna hear anymore." he sobbed.

yuto glared at the two dragons.

"Couldn't this have waited until everything was alright?" Yutos spirit said hugging yuya protectively

"you wanted answers you got them." rebellion said.

"that still doesn't explain why you called us masters?"

"that's a story for another time. Your not ready for that story if you cant even handle this one. and besides... i'm afraid ... if we don't fix this problem there wont be a "time where everything is alright"

"also were not here to scold you. The past is the past. You cant fix the past but you can fix the future. That pendulum... is a guide to a better future...all you have to do is grab ahold of it." odd eyes said.

yuya looked up.

"how can i fix the splitting of dimensions? how can i save yuzu and the counterparts?, how can I return everything back to normal? and ...... how can i prevent the demon from being born?" yuya asked putting a hand on his stomach.

"Were going to go see someone by the name of paradox, he has the answers. " dark rebellion told them.

yuto placed a hand on yuyas hand and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"its okay yuya we will find the answers...."

yuya blushed deeply.

"Alright get a room you two" Odd eyes said.

yuya hid his face in his goggles embarrassed.


during this time Yuri and bokura entered academia confronting leo

looking at the four yuzu counterparts who were asleep. then to leo bokura smirked.

"Well well well, looks like a nice hideout.,"

"why thank you, and you are?" leo asked.

"Im here to be of assistance."

yuri bowed own to the professor.

"Professor what are your next orders?"

"now that all the worlds are fused, we can do phase two of our plan, and make everyone bow down to academia in fear as i rule as king.

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