Lured into a trap.

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Yuya clenched his fist.

Yugo looked at Yuya. Surrounding him was four orbs of light that seemed to follow yuyas movements and they clearly were not there before... one was purple, and then there were , a red light and one was white they seemed to be feint. .but also pitch black one that it was hard to tell but the white and the red orb enveloped in a small blackish aura as well. but clearly not as strongly as the pure black orb. for a moment yugo could have sworn he saw yutos body manifest from the purple light a few times. it was hard to tell. was the purple light yutos spirit? then what were the three others? were they yuyas and yutos offspring that were slowly beginning to develop? was it due to the fact that the spirit world is fused with their own that he was now seeing this? but what about the black one had sort of an malevolent feeling?. Yugo didn't like it, however there wasn't any time to focus on that. They had to deal with the situation at hand.

"How did you do this?" Yuya cried out.

"Simple.. That Yuzu girl...and all her counterparts.... we used them to open the gate... by draining their life out.* yuri smirked.

Yuya clenched his fist. and a black visible aura began to come out.

"You bastard!!!" He Yelled as his eyes began to glow.

Yutos eyes began to glow as well. as the purple light that is Yuto and the black light disappeared into Yuyas body.

Bokura smirked

"Oh how scary... heheh.:"

"You fucking give them back!!!" The fused counterparts threatened.

Yugi glared at bokura and then to the berserk couple.

"Calm yourselfs!!"

meanwhile between yuri, astral and yuma there was a battle taking place

Number C39 utopia ray was facing against yuris starve venom fusion dragon who had been weakened by various effects. however yuri had a few tricks up his sleeve.

Astral sighed and glanced at yuma.

"now is a good time."

yuma nodded.

"I construct the overlay network with myself and yuma!" Astral began.

"What!?" yelled everyone.

"Its the moment for two separate souls to crossover! now the legendary power will come forth!"

Yuma and astral s bodies floated into mid air in a array of lights causing their souls to clash to each other.

"Xyz Change Zexal

the light began to grow into a an explosion of color that lit up the sky

"What the hell is going on?" yelled yuri

"Zexal" said the being that stood their in front of them as the light cleared. And meanwhile yuma and astral were no where to be seen

upon seeing this array of light the fused counterparts even calmed down enough to question what it was they had seen.

"j...just what is going on?" yuya asked causing the black orb to faze out of the body along with the purple orb.

"Shining draw!" yelled the being in fount of them who claimed to call himself Zexal. as he drew from his deck ZW-unicorn spear.

"Come forth Zexal Weapon with this card It can be used as an equip for utopia ray! It will give him an increase of 1900 ATK!"

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