A sudden desire for pancakes

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"Class dismissed please go to lunch." The math teacher set down his dry erase marker and pushed up his glasses.

There was a feint sigh of relief from the students inside the classroom.

"Finally 4th period is over." Yuya groaned.

"So this is what It's like to go to school?" Yuto looked down.

"Yeah , its pretty boring isn't it." Yuya began to pack his books for the next class into his backpack.

"Nagy teachers, Lots of homework, Finals, the same old same old." Yuya waved his wrist.

"Nah. Actually, I don't mind this. It's rather calm." Yuto closed his eyes.

"You're strange." Yuya stretched as he got out of his chair.

"Then again You're not the one who has to take the tests, and do the homework, I do."

Yuto nodded and almost looked upset for a moment.

"Something wrong?" Yuya tilted his head.

Yuto stayed silent.


"Don't you have lunch to go to?" Yuto shot a glare into Yuya's direction.

"Sheesh, you don't have to get all snappy." Yuya said standing up and walking to the cafeteria.

Yuto admitted he was a bit harsh on Yuya but in a way he was jealous of Him He didn't get to even go to school.

"Sorry Yuto." Yuya said out of nowhere.

"Huh?" Yuto looked up.

"While I was berserk I saw some of your memory's of heartland. The terror they inflicted upon you, the oppression, the pain they caused to your here i am complaining about school witch is nothing in comparison to what you dealt with. I wish I could have done something, maybe you would not have been so upset. My goal is to fill the whole world with smiles, and hopefully everyone will be happy again. including you." Yuya glanced over to find a feint blush on Yuto.

"W-What are you staring at me like that for Yuto? Y-You did not think I was saying that because i like you as more than a friend." Yuya turned around and blushed.

"No. I didn't say anything. You're the one who said that." Yuto closed his eyes and folded his arms.

"Why am i getting so frustrated?, Maybe I'm just being paranoid." Yuya thought to himself.

"Clueless." Yuzu chimed in.

"Wha!? Where did you come from?!" Yuya asked.

"I been here the entire time. Can i join you two for lunch.?" Yuzu asked.

"Sure, we can eat near the big cherry blossom." Yuya said.

They began to walk outside and sat down next to a large cherry blossom tree.

Yuya took out his lunch box filled with his moms weird pancake omelet his mom made him. Pancakes seem to be his favorite. Yuto took note of this.

"Weird I imagined more tomato's in your lunch." Yuzu joked.

"What? Why?" Yuya asked honestly confused.

Yuto began to look at Yuya's hair and there was just a feint smile. Yuya and his friends were slowly starting to rub off on him. Of course He took notice of his own hair as well and how it was colored like an eggplant but He didn't think it was worth mentioning.

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