A cry from a shooting star

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It was nighttime at the standard dimension where the forcefully fused counterparts finally at peace with each-other resting in yuya's bed fast asleep.

Yuya's mom and Yuzu, who ended up staying the night both sat on the balcony staring at the bright white light from the moon that shone down on them.

"Its weird isn't it?" Yuzu said breaking the silence that was lingering in the air.

"Hmm?" Yoko looked at yuzu.

"You learned so many things, about yuya's darkness, About him being fused with yuto: a boy who looks so much like him, and the existence of real magic within the duel monsters game, not to mention the dimensional war. and yet even though you were originally shocked and horrified, within a matter of minutes you were suddenly okay and accepted yuto and yuya's darkness. and furthermore, yuto himself when i found out about yuya's situation I was so scared for days." Yuzu remembered.

yoko looked surprised for a minute but then smiled and closed her eyes..

"Its because they remind me of me and his father."

Yuzu gave a look as if to ask "What do you mean?".

"I didn't tell you this story, but I once had something similar to what you would call a 'darkness'. Not the same kind of 'darkness' as what yuya is going through, although 'darkness' is 'darkness' no matter what the form. its actually a really silly story, I'm not sure you would want to hear it." yoko dramatically waved her hand back and forth as if saying "No, no im sure its too boring"

"No! I'm sure its a really good story." Yuzu smiled.

"Well then, let me tell you, of the day me and his father first met." Yoko squealed.

The pink haired youth suddenly felt a hint of regret. what did she sign herself up for?

"Would you believe me if I told you I was the leader of a biker gang known as the Miami queens before i met his father?" Yoko looked serious for a second.

Yuzu sweat nervously. She didn't look like the type of person who would get herself involved with a gang.

"Shooting star Yoko..." said the blond haired mother to the pink haired youth staring at her with a confused look.

"That was my nickname at the time. I was unbeatable. I took down more Gang members than any of my teammates. It was enjoyable. The feeling of Destroying my opponents for my own pleasure, only to continue doing the same thing countless times over. I didn't let anyone get in my way... It was an amazing feeling."

Yuzu looked concerned. She never viewed his mom in such a way.

"But in the end..." Yoko continued earning herself the surprised stare of yuzu.

"...in the end, I realized, That feeling of enjoyment wasn't enjoyment after all. it was just my horrible way of coping with the fact that I had nothing else going for me. The more I defeated my opponents the more i wanted to destory them, until there wasn't much left to destroy, I was...alone... and i was afraid i would always be alone because of my own actions and i felt helpless to change" the blond haired mom looked away.

"I'm sorry..." Yuzu looked sympathetic.

"Yuzu, Yuya is going through a similar darkness from what you told me. When he lashed out at his opponents for his own enjoyment, it was because he was scared of something the way i look at it. He was afraid of himself, and while he wanted to look for answers he felt helpless because he didn't have the courage to fix the situation because he was so caught up in the fact he wasn't good enough to change. he allowed the darkness to possess him, And yuto seems scared too. To be honest I don't know much about yuto, But i could tell that something was scaring him as well. It could of been that he was Shy but i honestly think that's not the case at all. I don't think yuto trusts himself at all. He was so nervous when he met me, maybe he was worried that he would mess this up?"

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