A woman more terrifying than any demon

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"What on earth yuya you're pr----mph? " Yoko began to yell before yuya began to control yutos arm and voice, covering her mouth.

"Shh...mom, not so loud, remember...were being followed by sawatari and the group." yuya's spirit blushed heavily as he glanced back at a confused sawatari, meiru, hokuto and yaiba who was alerted by yokos outburst.

"Is everything alright ms sakaki?" sawatari tilted his head to the side.

yoko then realized where she went wrong and managed to cover it up.

"Ah, No... I Uh.... Excuse me and my son for a moment were going to have a little talk. NO following me you hear me?" Yoko glared into the eyes of the group following piercing fear not only into the group she aimed her gaze at but also the two boys themselves.

the dragons looked at each other and sighed as they knew this talk would come to be eventually, but they picked now of all times? when the world was ending?

"may i point out kindly that we are running on a tight sche----" dark rebellion began to say before he started feeling the piercing gaze of yoko's stare effecting even him.

"you were saying?"

"well just wait over here" odd eyes pulled rebellion to the side terrified

Is it just me Or is yuya's mom scary when angry?" rebellion asked.

"are you sure that its anger? it looks to me like we just interrupted a mother son talk, for all we know yuya's mother is shocked. Its not exactly normal for a male to have a child, let alone all the other things happening to him. If i was a mother I would want to know what the hell is going on too. " odd eyes pointed out.

the two boys gulped, the world was about to end, and it wasn't just because of the fusion of the dimensions. no there was something much scarier. if anything was going to end this world it would be reaction from yuya's mother about the whole thing. As yuya and yuto were pulled to the side they prepared for the worst........ yoko Gave off a glare into their eyes causing yuto's tail to twitch. forget yuya and yuto! they may be the ones with the features......but the real demon was yoko who's gaze struck fear into them.

yuya's spirit nervously hid behind yuto.

"I'm so-" yuto who finally managed to muster up some courage to break the silence began to speak as he reached his arm out at yoko only to find himself pulling it down just as quickly as he cringed and twitched at the sudden change of expression yoko had made not two seconds before he decided to say something.


yuya jumped back as he knew the look that his mom was giving.....this wasn't a look of anger......this was.... oh no.

"Yuto run" Yuya Urged.

"W.....what?!" Yuto looked back at yuya quickly before being pounced on by yoko as he found himself behind crushed underneath her.

"Help shes attacking me!" yuto tried to escape until he looked up.

"YOUR wrong yuto! She's....Shes-- Shes... fangirling. . " he said wincing as he could feel yuto being crushed.

yoko looked up Sobbing and smiling as she put her hand on yutos stomach.

"Are -Are you telling me...I'm getting old.? Are you telling me..that its time for me to have grand children.........are you telling me that?........AM i already that old? And here i was not wanting to get that old........ well?! AM i having grand children or not? IF I'm not having grandchildren I'm going to be disappointed. don't you dare disappoint me.

Yuto backed the fuck up terrified of the woman that was sobbing over him.

"get...get off me! Your scary.!" he said eyes widened.

yuya sighed in relief. ...well he wasn't' sure if it was relief or not....to be perfectly honest.... once this this is over and done with, he wouldn't be hearing the end of this. and his mother was indeed scary, but....perhaps not as scary as it would have been if she had not approved. if he had to choose between the two situations...this one was indeed more favorable..

Yoko sat there for at least 20 minutes just sobbing over the two boys....... yuto had pretty much given up trying to push her off at this point........he lay there accepting defeat, knowing that even if he had pulled the crying woman off him, he would only be crushed once more.

yoko on the other hand, finally calming her tears looked up at the two boys.

"We will talk about this more later. we need to meet up with your group as soon as possible that way we can talk about what needs to happen next." she said wiping her tears.

"And by the way, when did you have tails?" She looked at yuyas tail swaying from side to side."

"I will let you know later."

"i think its kinda cute." She smiles.

yuya awkwardly nodded as yuto began to let the dragons and sawataris gang know they were ready to move on.

"What the hell was that about? what took you so long?" Sawatari questioned

"Nothing for you to worry about." yuto sighed

odd eyes urged dark rebellion to stand up.

"Are we finally ready?" he huffed.

yoko smiled and nodded her head.

"I feel like I'm finally ready." She said with a warm smile.

sawatari and meriu looked att each other. for some reason they didn't feel like they were talking about the same thing but what ever the case it seemed like they were going to finally be heading out. so sawatari shrugged.

"uh... lets go i guess."

as yoko lead them to unite with their friends there was a suspicious feeling that filled dark rebellions mind. he glanced back nervously...... and then sighed as he figured he was imagining things.

"Whats the matter dark rebellion?" odd eyes whispered

"I had a suspicious feeling we are being watched.

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