What happens when you move (Chapter 12)

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Chapter 12

            The next morning I woke up excited. I’m going to be singing. This had been my dream forever. I can’t wait to get started. I know that I’m probably going to get a lot of no’s like Chace said but I’m ready. I’m going after something that I love to do and if I can’t face the rejection then it obviously wouldn’t be that important to me.

            I got out of bed, grabbed my close for the day, and went to take a shower. I couldn’t stop bouncing around. I was just that excited.

            When I was done with my shower I put my hair up in a messy bun and didn’t put any make up on. I was too lazy and too excited to sit in front of the mirror to do it.

            I practically ran downstairs and into the kitchen and saw Emily making chocolate chip pancakes.

            “Oh my gosh Em! My favorite breakfast! Chocolate chip pancakes!” I yelled.

            “Woah can we put duct tape on her mouth. She is way to happy.” Chace said.

            I rolled my eyes at him but I was still smiling. Nothing could ruin my day today.

            “Good morning Courtney. Sit down I’ll make you a plate.” Emily said smiling at me.

            I went over to the table and sat next to Zack who had Lauren on his other side. She was eating some plain pancakes and she looked like she needed to take a nap.

            “Em what did you do to your poor daughter she looks exhausted.” I turned to Emily and said.

            “That is not my fault. She woke up early and she’s refusing to go back to bed.” She said. Now that I look at Em she looks exhausted too.

            “Lauren sweetie why won’t you take a nap? You need your sleep.” I asked her.

            “Because,” Lauren whined, “I don’t want to and you can’t make me.”

            “She’s just in one of her moods today.” Chace said.

            “But Lauren sweetie you need your sleep. Why won’t you sleep?” I asked again.

            “Because Auntie Cor,” she whined again, “I don’t want to. When I sleep I miss everything.” Ok I understand that but she’s three.

            “You won’t be missing anything today sweetie.” I said. “I promise.”

            “You sure?” she asked looking at me.

            “Yes Lauren I’m sure. Now can I take you up to your room so you can take a nap?”

            “Yeah Auntie Cor I’m tired.” She said while rubbing her eyes.

            I got up and picked up Lauren out of her highchair and took her upstairs. After reassuring her one more time that she wouldn’t miss anything she fell asleep. I walked out of her room closing her door behind me and walked back downstairs to the kitchen.

            “You are a life savor Courtney.” Emily said as I walked into the kitchen. “If you hadn’t done that we’d all be dealing with the wrath of Lauren later on.”

            “No problem. What are Aunt’s for?” I said laughing. I went back to my seat and started eating my pancakes.

            When we were done eating I helped Emily clean up and then Zack and I left to go tell his dad my answer to his offer. I was excited.

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