What happens when you move (Chapter 2)

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Chapter 2: New School

            Oh the joys of meeting new people. Ugh! I hate this! I’m sitting in the attendance office waiting for my new counselor to give me my schedule and for some girl to show me to my classes. Well at least that’s one friend automatically made. Check!


            My cell phone vibrated in my pocket indicating that I had a text message waiting for me.

            “Hun you might be new here but the rules haven’t changed. The phone needs to be off during school hours.” The lady behind the counter said.

            Come on like anybody actually listens to that rule. She knows damn well that there are people, in every class going on throughout the day, texting.

            I took out my phone anyway and read the text.

            I never got to say goodbye. L I hope you visit me soon. –Vincent

            Awe. I miss Vincent. I miss his deep brown eyes. They are gorgeous. I could look at them 24/7. He’s tall, dark and handsome, 6’3” to be exact.

            I promise I will visit as soon as I can. Miss you Vin. –Courtney. I typed and hit send.

            By the time I finished texting him back my counselor came out to give me my schedule. “Courtney? Oh there you are sweetie. Here’s your schedule. I’ll show you to your first block class and then your ambassador will meet you there when class is over. Her name is Emily and she will take you around to each one of your classes today and tomorrow. Ok?” I shook my head yes. “Alright then lets get you too,” she looked at my schedule, “Student Council.”

            I can’t believe she put me in Student Co. It’ll be great to meet new people there. I could here our talk yesterday when we were putting my schedule together. I didn’t want to get put in Student Co. but I had no choice.

            She took me to the auditorium and introduced me to my teacher. I think his name was Mr. Shu. He made me stand up in front of everyone and say what my name was, Courtney Crawford, and where I moved from. This is the worst start at a new school that anybody could ask for. I knew that from now on I would not like Mr. Shu.

            At the end of the block, an hour and a half later, Emily showed up. She was really pretty. She had long wavy red hair and big green eyes. The contrast between her eyes and hair is what made her who she was. You could tell that they were the most important part of her.

            “Okay, well, I’m Emily Ryan. I’m your ambassador for the next two days. But you probably already know that.” She gave a soft smile. “What class do you have next?” She asked. I had to look at my schedule to find the answer to her question.

            “Um, Biology.” My voice shook as I said those two words.

            “Court, oh you don’t mind if I call you that do you?” I shook my head no. “Don’t be shy. I know it’s hard since it’s your first day but you’re going to be fine. I promise. Plus you have me showing you to all your classes so if anyone tries to say anything I’ll kick there butt.”

            That made me laugh, this sweet little 5’5” girl saying she was going to kick somebody’s “butt” was just funny. She smiled at me proud of herself that she cracked my shield.

            Through out the day during passing periods I got to know Emily. She has an older brother who is a sophomore at SIU, Southern Illinois University. He’ll be back home at the end of May. She invited me to a party that she’ll be throwing him for his homecoming. Her birthday is next month, March 29th to be exact. She has a boyfriend but I can’t remember his name.

            While learning things about her she also got to know more about me. But I couldn’t tell her everything. She might be becoming one of my close new friends but theirs some things that just need to be kept to yourself until you fully trust somebody.

            She might be able to crack my shield but there’s still one more that she hasn’t even come close too. One more that my friends back in Taylorsville don’t even know about and probably never will.

            As I was walking out to the bus I realized that I don’t even know my full address. I called Emily because I had gotten her number earlier and asked if I could go to her house because I don’t know where mine is.

            “Um, sure. Meet me at the front of the school in 5 minutes and we’ll walk to my car together.” She sounded hesitant at first but then moved back to her bubbly self in no time. I guess this is a good thing about making friends with a senior.

            Five minutes later Emily and I were walking towards her car. She hits unlock on her key fab and the lights to a black Escalade flickered. This girl must have money. I was shocked but did my best to hide it.

            “Ok we have to make a stop before we go back to my house. I hope that’s ok.” She said with a smile. I didn’t mind though, it’s not like I had anything better to do.

            On the way to where ever she had to make her stop we were listening to 103.5fm on the radio. My favorite song Airplanes by B.O.B. came on and I started singing like it was the end of the universe.

            “Wow Court I didn’t know you had such a good voice.” She said shocked.

            “Thanks. It’s not something that just comes up in conversation.” I said laughing.

            We entered a parking lot at a Kinder Care and she pulled into a parking space. “Court do you want to come in with me, you don’t have to?” She said in a soft soothing voice.

            “Um, I’ll go in with you.” I was trying to figure out why we were at a Kinder Care.

            As we walked in she was saying hi to all the staff we passed. We walked up to a door that had a key code on it and she put the numbers in and unlocked the door. As we walked in I saw three and four year olds running around having the time of their life.

            She went up to one of the staff members and signed a paper.

            “Mommy! Mommy guess what!” A little girl squealed and ran into Emily’s arms. “I got to go on a big kid swing today and I wasn’t scared Mommy!” She was so excited.

            “Really sweetheart? I’m so proud of you!” Emily said in a caring voice to her daughter. As she turned around with her daughter in her arms she started speaking to me. “Courtney this is my daughter Lauren. Lauren can you say hi to Mommy’s new friend?”

            “Hi mommy’s new friend. Did you hear what I did today? I went on a big kid swing and I wasn’t afraid!” Lauren was the cutest little girl I had ever seen. Her vibrant red hair like her mom was at her shoulders and completely straight. She had blue eyes and dimples. Her cute little face just made you want to hug her.

            “Ok sweetie you ready to go home?” Emily asked her daughter.

            “Yea Mommy I want to see Chloe!” She told Emily.

            “Chloe’s our dog. Oh I hope you don’t mind dogs.” She said to me. I shook my head no and followed her out of the daycare. I guess everybody has a secret that they’re scared to tell someone they first met.

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