What happens when you move (Chapter 20)

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Chapter 20

            It’s been two weeks since the Vincent incident and I haven’t talked to him at all. I don’t want to though. I knew that if I did talk to him all I would do is yell at him for what he had said about me. I think this is a good thing for me.

            “Ms. Crawford?” My study hall teacher asked.

            “Yes?” I said looking up at him after he broke me from my thoughts.

            “You can leave now.” The teacher said. He must have dismissed us while I was thinking and I never heard him.

            “Oh, sorry” I said and picked up my things to head up to the library. Zack wasn’t here today and I didn’t know why. I tried texting him earlier but he hasn’t responded yet. I was hoping everything was ok. I don’t really know what could be going wrong but I’ll call him later to find out.

            Emily and Chace weren’t at school either. The only thing Emily has said to me today is that she couldn’t take me to school and that she was sorry. My mom had to drop me off this morning but she didn’t mind.

            I walked into the library and scanned in and then went and sat down in a chair to read. Normally I’d be in the back corner at a table and Zack and I would be playing our game but since he’s not here I was just going to catch up on some reading. It felt weird not having him here. It felt weird not having any of them here. I mean I have my own friends but I had gotten use to them always being they’re that now that there not it feels different.

            The rest of the day went by slow probably because I kept thinking about what kept the three of them out of school and why nobody would let me know. I was getting worried that somebody was hurt. But if somebody was why wouldn’t they let me know.

            The final bell rang and the first thing I did was grab my phone and call Zack.

            He answered on the sixth ring, “Hello?”

            “Babe what’s wrong? What’s going on?” I asked him worried.

            “Babe I’m at the hospital can I call you later?”

            “Wait why are you at the hospital?” I asked. Was he hurt? If he was why didn’t he tell me?

            “I’ll talk to you later.” Was all he said and then he hung up.

            Not getting any answers from him I called Emily.

            “Hey.” She said when she answered the phone but she was upset too.

            “Hey can you come get me and take me to the hospital?” I asked.

            “I don’t think that’s a good idea Court.” She said but before she could say anything else I started speaking.

            “I don’t care Emily. Something is wrong and I need to be there. Now will you come get me or am I going to have to find someone else?”

            “Fine. I’ll be there in like twenty minutes. But don’t expect to get anything out of me. If Zack want’s to tell you what’s going on then he’ll tell you.” She said before hanging up.

            I hung up and stood outside the school waiting for her to come get me. While I was waiting I just kept thinking about what could have happened and why Zack didn’t want to tell me. I trust him with everything so why can’t he trust me with this, whatever it is?

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