What happens when you move (Chapter 15)

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Chapter 15

            School went by slow and it was frustrating but now it’s the end of the day and Zack, Chace, Emily, and I are on our way to the recording studio. I wasn’t nervous throughout the day but now all of a sudden I’m extremely nervous. I don’t know if I can go through with this. I know this is what I want and this is what I signed up for but I could barely sing in front of Zack’s family how am I suppose to sing in front of thousands… if I get signed.

            There are always those last four words, If I get signed. As of right now there’s no guarantee that I will be signed. That’s what is making me nervous that I’m going to go through all of this and then never get signed. Oh and the fact that if I do get signed I’ll have to sing in front of thousands.

            I can’t do this. There’s no way.

            “COURTNEY!” Emily shouted.

            “What? Damn you didn’t have to scream in my ear.” I said back and then rubbed my ear.

            “Yes I did because I said your name like a million times and you wouldn’t answer. But now that I have your attention can you stop shaking?” she said and she looked like she was about to go all mom on me.

            “Sorry didn’t know I was shaking.” I looked down at my hands and whispered, “I can’t do this.”

            “Say that one more time Courtney and I swear I’m going to hurt you!” Emily was getting frustrated with me.

            “Sorry.” I said again still looking at my hands. “Hey is someone picking Lauren up from daycare?”

            “Yeah my Mom is.” Chace said.

            “Oh.” That’s all I could say. My plan was just squashed.

            I can’t do this. I kept repeating that in my head because it was true. I just couldn’t there is no way I can go through with this anymore.

            “What did I say Courtney? Stop saying that.” Emily said and then slapped my arm.

            “What was that for? I didn’t say anything.” I said confused.

            “Yes you did. You’re whispering ‘I can’t do this.’” Emily told me. I didn’t know I was saying that out loud I thought I was only saying it to myself.

            “Sorry.” I said yet again.

            “Babe.” Zack said from the passenger seat. “I know you’re nervous but your going to be fine. We are all here for you and your Mom is meeting us there so you’ll have all the support you need. Don’t worry ok?”

            “Ok.” I lied. I couldn’t not worry. Worrying was my thing. It’s what I do all the time.

            “Liar.” Chace said.

            “Courtney? Babe? Please don’t worry you have nothing to be worrying about. My Dad wouldn’t have asked you to do this if he thought that you didn’t have a chance. Babe please look at me.” I lifted my head up from looking at my hands and looked into Zack’s eyes. “You have nothing to worry about.”

            I just nodded at him and looked back at my hands.

            “I have never seen someone as nervous as her right now. Even Em wasn’t this nervous.” I looked at Chace confused but he didn’t notice because he was driving but he continued anyway. “Before she had Lauren. Remember Zack? She was so nervous about giving birth. But I swear I think Courtney is even more nervous then that.”

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