What happens when you move (Chapter 3)

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Chapter 3: B Day

            After hanging out with Emily and Lauren for a while Mom had come to pick me up. Lauren is the cutest little three-year-old that you could ever meet. I told Emily that if she ever needed a babysitter I’d be more then happy to help out.

            As of right now though I’m waiting for her to come pick me up for school. Em and I got to know each other a lot yesterday and she offered up taking me to school until the end of the year. It’s nice having someone that I can turn too. I thought that it was going to take me a few days to make friends but it only took me one… not even.

            My doorbell rung and I walked down the stairs to go answer it.

            “Hey Em! Just give me one sec I have to set the alarm.” I told Emily and then closed the door.

            After setting the alarm I walked out of the house, locked the door, and walked to Emily’s car.

            “Good morning Sunshine. How are you today?” Emily asked in her bubbly voice. Does this girl ever have a bad day?

            “Em you are way too bubbly way too early. I’m not the best morning person. So can we bring it down a notch… or three?” I asked. I was kind of sleepy and on top of that I was nervous.

            “Sorry Court. I’ll try and turn it down a notch. But you didn’t answer my question. How are you today?” She asked again.

            “I’m ok. Kind of nervous though. It might be my second day but I have four new classes. I’ve gotta try and get use to this A day B day schedule. It’s weird.”

            I still didn’t understand completely how this schedule worked but I’ll get use to it. This week I have three A days and two B days. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are A days. Tuesday and Thursday are B days and then next week it switched. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are B days and Tuesday and Thursday are A days. So on and so forth.

            “Court its not that bad. By the end of this week you’ll understand how the schedule works. What classes do you have today?” She asked. She probably wanted to know where she was taking me today.

            “I have Computer, Gym, Seminar and History in that order. I memorized it last night so I wouldn’t look like a dork.” I told her smiling.

            She laughed at me and said, “You’re a dork for memorizing it. I’m just kidding.” She started laughing again and that got me laughing.

            We got to school about fifteen minutes early. We walked to Emily’s locker first and then to mine. After I got my stuff for the day in my purse we walked around wasting time.

            “Emily. Babe wait up.” I heard from behind us. Emily stopped and turned around and smiled. As I turned around I saw her boyfriend walking up to us. I still can’t remember his name.

            “Hey babe. How are you this morning?” She asked him.

            “I’m great.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss her. It was gentle and sweet.

            “Oh hi Courtney. How are you?” He asked me. What is his name?

            “I’m good. Um… what’s your name again?” I asked blushing. I hate having to ask people what there name is. I should remember the first time I hear but I suck at remembering names.

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