What happens when you move (Chapter 18)

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Chapter 18

            It was now Saturday morning and I barely got any sleep last night. I was up for most of the night worrying. Vincent is coming today and he’s going to be hanging out with Zack. I don’t think this is a good idea but he told me I had no choice in it.

            Tyler was also coming but that didn’t worry me. We liked each other in eighth grade but it never went anywhere and it never will. We are best friends and it’s going to stay that way.

            My phone started ringing and I hit talk without looking at the caller I.D. I honestly didn’t care who it was at this moment.

            “Hello?” I asked.

            “Hey!” I heard them say.

            “Um… who is this?” I asked.

            “Really Courtney? Come outside.” That’s all they said and then hung up. Well I guess I have to go outside. I got out of bed and pulled on a sweatshirt to cover up my tank top that I wore to bed.

            I went to the front door and opened it to see Tyler standing there with an irritated look on his face.

            “Oh my gosh!” I yelled. “Ty!”

            “Hey Court!” he said to me as I ran to him to envelop him in a hug.

            “How are you?” he asked after I let go of him and invited him inside.

            “I’m good now! I was worrying all night though so I probably look like crap.” I told him honestly. I knew I looked like crap because I felt like it.

            “Well I wasn’t going to say anything but…” he didn’t finish his sentence because I had smacked him on the back of the head. “Ow! What the heck?”

            “Your mean, you deserved that.” I told him and rolled my eyes at him.

            We went down to my room so that we could talk for a little while. I didn’t know when Vincent was going to get here but I knew that at ten Zack was coming to get me and whoever was here at that time.

            “So why are you here so early? It’s eight in the morning. I’m surprised you’re up.”

            “Yeah well when you texted me last night and told me Vincent was coming I figured I should get here early so we could talk because I knew you were going to be worrying all night.” He told me.

            “Thanks Ty. I’m scared that Zack or Vincent’s going to say something and the other one will take it the wrong way and… yeah. You get what I’m saying.” I stared down at my hands.

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