What happens when you move (Chapter 14)

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Chapter 14

            I had woken up from my nap on my bed. I don’t remember being moved but I was grateful. I rolled over and stretched and accidentally hit Zack but he didn’t move. He was in a deep slumber and his face was so relaxed and calm that I couldn’t help but stare.

            So much has changed in the last week but I was happy. I haven’t been this happy in a long time and it felt good. It felt nice to have people around me care about me and support me. If only they could support me in the one thing that nobody knows. But I couldn’t let them know. I shouldn’t have even told Zack but I knew I couldn’t keep it from him forever. Some things are better left unsaid and I thought this was one of those things but I was wrong. After telling him I felt better. I felt like I was another inch closer to freedom but there was still something pulling me away from it. There was something in me that didn’t want me to have my freedom and I knew it was right. If I got signed to an industry and started recording my very own music I would never see freedom. I knew that already but I couldn’t walk away because of one small thing when something greater was on the horizon.

            The doorbell rang bringing me out of my thoughts. I quickly got out of bed and ran to the door so that whoever was there wouldn’t keep ringing the bell and wake up Zack.

            As I got to the door I quickly looked out the window beside it and saw Lauren jumping up and down. I unlocked the door and swung it open.

            “Lauren!” I yelled and opened my arms so she could run into them and she did. She gave me a big hug and kissed my cheek.

            “Auntie Cor!” she yelled in my ear.

            “She gets all the attention? What about your dear friend?” Emily said in the doorway. I let go of Lauren and she ran upstairs to the living room. She had never been here before yet she knew were it was. “So why weren’t you at school missy?”

            “I’m sorry Em I just couldn’t go today. I had a bad night and my mom saw I needed sleep so she called me in sick.” I said.

            “I figured you texted me at like two thirty this morning. Is Zack here because he wasn’t at school either Chace said he was sleeping when he left? He thought he was going to take the bus but never ended up showing up today.” She asked and she looked a little worried.

            “Yeah Zack’s here we spent the day together.” I said with a smile on my face. “Oh we need to pick out five to ten songs.”

            “We? This is your job sweetie.” She said teasing me. “Ok come on go get your laptop so we can go through your iTunes list.” She walked up the stairs to the living room not saying anything else. I walked down stairs to get my laptop. This time I will have a say in the music of course. I walked into my room and went over to my bed. I started shaking Zack because I wanted his input too.

            “Zack? Sweetie come on wake up.” I said still shaking him.

            “Hmm.” He mumbled.

            “Come on sleepyhead. Em and Lauren are here and were going to pick out music.” I said in a soft voice since he was still kind of sleeping. “Come on honey wake up I need your input.”

            “Ok I’m up.” He said but rolled over facing the wall.

            “Nice try.” I jumped on the bed and on top of him. “Wake up.” I screamed in his ear. Soft was working earlier so now I had to try the other way.

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