What happens when you move (Chapter 16)

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  • Dedicated to My Best Friend Sam

Chapter 16

            The next day went by faster because I wasn’t nervous anymore. I knew what I was going to be doing and it didn’t scare me anymore. I was actually excited about today. My Mom was meeting us there again but Steve is joining us this time. I didn’t tell my Mom because I knew she’d be mad. I know she’s going to yell but she has to understand that he’s like my Dad and I think he should be involved in this too.

            Zack was driving me to the recording studio now. Chace and Emily went to pick up Lauren and then they were going to meet us there. They thought it would be a cool to show her what her Aunt is doing.

            Lauren is adorable. Emily was telling me today that last night Lauren was asking why we didn’t pick her up and why I was in a recording studio. She just kept asking why so Emily gave in and told her she could come today. I’m actually excited to see her learn about all this. It will be interesting to see how a three-year-old comprehends this.

            We got to the recording studio early today so Tyler couldn’t be mad about us being late like yesterday. Today when we walked in we went right to the room we were in yesterday and of course Tyler was already there and so was Mark.

            “Happy birthday son.” Tyler said to Zack as we went to sit on the couch. My jaw dropped when I heard what he said. I completely forgot it was his birthday. I looked down at my hands shaking my head.

            “I am the worst girlfriend ever.” I mumbled.

            “Yeah I think I would have to agree to that.” Zack said.

            “Zachary. Do not talk to your girlfriend like that.” I heard Tyler say but I ignored his statement. I deserved being talked to like that. I forgot my boyfriends birthday.   

            “I am so sorry Zack. I completely forgot. I feel horrible.” I said still looking at my hands.

            “Court look at me.” I did as told and Zack continued. “You are not a horrible girlfriend. You have a lot going on right now, it’s understandable. I’m not mad I was just joking.”

            “Happy birthday.” I told him. “I still feel bad even though you’re not mad at me.”

            “Don’t be mad. To be honest babe I don’t remember your birthday.” He said honestly.

            “Oh that’s great!” I said and then let a smile slip. “It’s June fifth. Now don’t forget like I did.”

            “I won’t. Now my Dad knows so he can just remind me.” I slapped his shoulder when he said this.

            “It is not your Dads job to remember my birthday.” I scolded him.

            “Why not? He reminded you about mine so he can remind me about yours.” I just glared at him until he gave up. “Fine I’ll remember it. I’ll put it in my phone right now.” He took his phone and did just as he said. As he was putting my birthday in his phone Emily showed up with Lauren and Chace.

            “Auntie Cor!” Lauren yelled when she saw me.

            “Lauren.” I yelled back and gave her a hug.

            “Courtney she has not shut up since we picked her up.” Chace told me.

            I smiled at him and turned back to Lauren who was now sitting on Zack’s lap asking him questions.

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