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Lauren trudges down the cold and wet stone pavement after a long day at school, the rain pouring down heavily on her making her completely drenched and out cold but however, she continued to walk down the sidewalk with her head hung low as if the weather wasn't completely terrible. The rain showered on the car's roof and there were puddles on the stone pavement, Many strangers running as they try to keep themselves dry by finding a roof where they could stay for awhile and umbrellas were open to keep a person from getting completely drenched, some looked quite annoyed that their plans must have been destroyed due to the weather or they just didn't like the rain at all. Some looked quite content with the weather, maybe finding it as peaceful as Lauren did sometimes.

Lauren shoved her hands inside the large pockets of her large grey hoodie, its hood covering half of her face and water droplets continuously rolled down on Lauren's ghost pale face from her forehead, her cheeks, to her chin and then to the sides of her neck until it gets absorbed by either her shirt or her hoodie.

She heavily sighs and kicked a pebble over to her side where it lands on a puddle of water. She didn't bring anything with her today, seeing that it was a Friday and usually, they don't get much home works on Fridays and today was one of them (fortunately).

It was a big relief to Lauren because if she did bring her stuff because it would have been completely drenched by now and ruined by the rain.

She didn't want that to happen, that would have been one of her worse nightmares.

She was also glad that she finished most of her homework and projects through out the whole week, giving her less time of enjoyment for herself.

She knew would all be worth it at the end.

The raven haired girl continued to walk, dragging her feet with her, her shoes and clothes completely wet and sticky as time continued to move and Lauren continued to walk under the rain without any care in the world.

She felt like she was walking for miles and all she ever wanted to do was go home to hit the sack already, even if it was still quite early for her to go to sleep.

But she was just so tired, she barely had any sleep yesterday and the day before yesterday...probably even the day before the day before yesterday. Lauren's mind goes on elsewhere, thinking about what her life would be like if she would have just agreed singing on stage.

People would probably laugh or make fun of her, maybe even bully her. Lauren cringes, she'd rather say in this kind of life; has Less but true friends, practically invisible to most people in her school but was in peace and left alone, has a lovable family. She doesn't want much attention, nor will she ever want to get teased with her voice.

Ugh, The cruelty of humanity. Lauren thought.

While the girl was deep in her thoughts, her foot trips on something—or someone's foot to be exact and resulted for her to fall down on the ground that immediately snapped her out of her thoughts and back to the reality.

She immediately stretches her arms in front of her and braced for her fall.

Her palms and knees lands landed first on the ground, a slight sting of pain shooting through it and the feeling of water splashing over her entire body as a car drives through the rainwater inches away from her made her want to punch made her groan internally.

Well, it was better than getting hit by a car while she was deep in thought or splashed by wet mud across her whole body as she fell.

Lauren quickly stood up and removed the hood off of her head, some of her wet hair sticking on her forehead and neck. She huffs in irritation and looked up just to be met by warm chocolate brown eyes staring straight at her as if she was sucking her entire soul.

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