Twenty Nine || Last Chapter

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A/N: Yooo I'm so so sorry for the very very late update! I don't really have an excuse other than it took me days to write and rewrite this but yeah, I'm really sorry.

hope you all enjoy this anyway 😊 (this one, I actually reread wow).

Trigger warning: a few mentions of self harm.


It was now summer.

Exactly a month since the confession and as much as Camila had tried her best to focus on her schooling before it ends and even until now that it was finally over, Lauren and Sofi just couldn't seem to get out of her mind. Thinking about the events that had occurred triggered her emotions horribly, bringing unwanted memories to return to her in full impact. It made her feel sick and end up retching inside the bathroom's toilet bowl or shutting down completely.

She thought her summer would have come off as better and eventful but she only spend most of her time scrolling through tumblr posts, listening to depressing songs and write her heart out into the clean sheets of paper of her journal. It wouldn't count as a fun summer if you ask her but she thought it was better than doing nothing or do something that could potentially ruin all her progress, bring her back to square one as an example. She thought that if she distracts herself enough, she could avoid it.

However, something happened a few nights ago that made her rethink about things and think about things even more.

Though, now was one of those days when She felt like she couldn't do or feel anything after waking up.

She never liked this feeling, she wanted to feel something - anything at all.

She gets so fidgety on her bed and would glance every second to her bathroom door while a voice in the back of her head was nagging at her, pushing her towards danger, to the lower parts of her cabinets in her bathroom where she carefully hid them. She really wanted to... just once... Once wouldn't hurt her, would it?

Camila harshly bit down on her bottom lip, almost drawing out blood and knelt down on her bare knees, slowly pulling the cabinet door open but only to quickly slam it close once again when she got a small glimpse of the sharp object and bottled pills hidden on the dark corners where it could barely be seen from the amount of towels over it in her attempt to hide them. She should have thrown them away before her parents sees them - before Evan sees them - but then right now, she hardly even cared.

Camila leaned her head on the wall behind her with her eyes tightly shut in frustration. Her legs were now propped up in front of her, her thin arms wrapped around it into a fetal position.

Just then, Her mind unconsciously goes back to the green eyed girl. Lauren had never did talk to her again since that day, she barely goes out of her house even and sometimes, Camila would see her sitting on their front porch alone in her thoughts and reverie. She hurt her, she was still mad but she knew that despite everything - she could never hate that certain girl or even stay mad at her for that long.

And that was what made her furious most of all.

Camila would sometimes catch Lauren through her window walking towards her house with a huge amount of uncertainty in her movements. She looked so unsure that She would stop halfway from her destination, sigh deeply and then jog back towards her house hastily as if the cement on the other side of the road burnt her skin. She probably thought Camila loathed her after the words she had uttered a month ago and wanted to apologize, but only to back down on the last minute and retreat back inside her haven.

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