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"Look, Lauren, it was just an accident." Luis apologized, crossing his arms as Lauren rolled her eyes at him. She could practically hear insincerity in his voice and she didn't like it one bit, it made her even more furious than she already was. He had been apologizing since this morning but Lauren didn't need it, he could say sorry for the rest of his life but it wouldn't count if he wouldn't say sorry to the person he had hurt. So his apologies right now was quite useless. Especially when it was insincere, he was probably only doing it so Lauren wouldn't get pissed at him already. "Hey, babe, I'm sorry. Please talk to me."

Lauren slammed her locker door shut making Luis flinch at the loud sound coming from it which echoed throughout the empty hallways in a Wednesday morning. Green eyes turned to him but she didn't say anything, just waiting for him to finish. He didn't seem to get the message and shuffled on his feet from her intense stare. So, Lauren spoke. "Why are you apologizing?"

"W-what?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he lifted his eyes to meet her's. "I thought you were mad at me."

Wrong answer. Lauren sighed, shaking her head before walking towards the opposite direction of the entrance of the school. Luis followed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He could have at least said he made a mistake but no, he said that. Which had just confirmed Lauren's assumption. He was only apologizing just because Lauren was mad, not because he knew he did something wrong.

"Laur, I'm sorry, really." He sincerely apologies but that's not what Lauren was aiming for. She wouldn't be talking to him normally again if he wouldn't apologize to Camila but she wasn't going to tell him to apologize to her, She wants him to find out on his own. Lauren looked from left to right and grinned when he saw her two best friends, she waved at them and quickly walked over to the two girls who waved excitedly back.

"Lauser!" Dinah opened her arms, engulfing Lauren in a hug as Normani does the same. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

"You two have been so busy, what have you two been doing these past days?" Lauren asked, pretending that Luis wasn't awkwardly standing behind her, running his hand through his hair. Instead, she watched as Normani and Dinah looked at each other for a moment before looking back at Lauren, shrugging at the same time. Okay?

"We have a lot of project to finish!" Dinah says making Lauren cock an eyebrow in suspicion.

"You don't do projects, Dinah."

"Well, she's helping me out." Normani quickly added and Lauren narrowed her eyes at them but didn't push, slowly nodding. "Oh, hey Luis. What's up?"

Dinah glanced between Lauren and Luis, sensing the thick tension in the air and furrowed her eyebrows but however, she didn't ask.

"Great actually, excited for the dance! Right babe?" Luis turned to Lauren who was looking down at her nails, picking at it making the guy sigh. "I'm sorry, okay? What else do you want me to do?"

Normani and Dinah furrowed her eyebrows and shared each other a look before looking back at the couple. Awkward.

"I don't know, you go find out." Lauren muttered, shrugging.

"She just tripped, what's with that? It's not like I punched her or something." Luis threw his hands up, shaking his head as Lauren looked up, glaring at him. Dinah and Normani looked at them in confusion, they then told them they'll give them privacy before leaving.

"That's still bullying! You did it on purpose."

"So you want me to apologize to her or something?" He asked her in disbelief and Lauren mentally yelled a finally.

"Yes! What else?"

"Fine, I'll go apologize to her then." Luis placed his hands back down, thinking of a plan on how to make Lauren believe that he will apologize.


Luis slipped his hands on the pocket of his jeans, waiting for his friends to arrive with his girlfriend and let her see him 'apologizing' to Camila without actually letting her know the plan. The brown eyed girl arrived on her locker and furrowed her eyebrows when she sees Luis leaning on it. she awkwardly reached forward but Luis didn't move despite seeing her trying to open the damn locker.

Suddenly, Luis stood up straight and turned to Camila, giving her an attempt of a sweet smile but Camila knows it's fake, even a blind man could probably know. "Hey, I'm really sorry about yesterday, it really was an accident."

Sure, But you laughed. Camila thought but didn't say anything, just looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. He secretly shot daggers behind Camila and she then knew what he was doing when she had heard Lauren's husky voice from behind her. Asshole.

Camila shook her head and finally opened her locker, pulling out her book as she felt Luis panic. "Hey, so..we're okay now, right?" He asked, sounding hopeful.

Lauren turned towards the locker of Camila and cocked an eyebrow when he sees Luis standing close to Camila, smiling. He can't fool her, she was pretty good at reading people's emotions. (Maybe except for Camila, the girl was pretty good at hiding her emotions). So, she rolled her eyes and walked towards Camila, tapping her shoulder making the girl turn around and offer a smile at her. She could feel Luis' gaze on her but she ignored him.

"Let's go?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded, smiling and shutting her locker door close. She looked down at Lauren's outstretched hand and shrugged it off, linking their hands before heading to the cafeteria leaving Luis defeated. He groaned and leaned on the lockers, crossing his arms as he rolled his eyes when he heard his friends' teasings and laughters. His friends made whipping sounds with their mouths and Luis stood up straight, punching Zayn's shoulder — his best friend before turning to head to the cafeteria as well.


"What'd did he say?" Lauren asked as they sat down on the cafeteria table, glancing at the door behind Camila's shoulder before looking back at the girl across from her. The brown eyed girl shrugged and took a gulp of water from her water bottle, not speaking. The green eyed girl sighed and bit on her sandwich, slumping on her seat as she remembered that Camila wouldn't be speaking. "Later is still a go, right?"

The girl nodded and gave her a soft smile before placing some fries in her mouth. She looked up and sees Lauren placing her elbow on the table with her chin resting on top of it while looking at her. Camila shifted under her intense gaze, looking down at her shoes making Lauren cock an eyebrow and smirk without taking her eyes away from the girl.

"Stop..." Camila muttered and Lauren laughed softly, shaking her head.

"You're pretty." Lauren says making a light tint of red appear on Camila's cheeks as the girl tried to hide it. Just a friendly compliment, nothing else. "I can't wait for later, I think it'll be fun."

Camila looked up, scrunching up her face. "Oh, come on. It will be! I can dress you up and I guess you can dress me up too, you know, pick the dress for me."

Camila grinned excitedly, nodding at the last sentence making Lauren smile as well. They fell in silence as they ate until Lauren spoke again.

"I think you'll look cute with pig tails." She comments making Camila cock an eyebrow but didn't question.

She just hoped that their shopping this afternoon would be as fun as Lauren says it would be.

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