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Just as Lauren have expected, she woke up early in the morning with almost her whole body hurting as she was now sprawled on the couch and another turn, she would completely fall off. She was even surprised that she was still on the couch instead of the floor. Well, half of her body was.

She lazily threw the pillows and blanket on the floor with her eyes still closed and rolled her body over so she would fall flat on the floor with a thud and a grunt from her. Turned out, the pillows that she threw wasn't even close to her so now, her back and hips hurt than it already was along with her neck and arm. However, Lauren still forced herself to stand up and check the time.


Okay, okay good. She wasn't late but she woke up too damn early. She still had 3 and a half hour to get ready. She woke up even before her alarm would ring and maybe it was because she slept earlier than usual.

Lauren turned around towards her bed and she almost yelled for help thinking that it was some freaking serial killer again when she saw a body peacefully sleep on her bed, but then she suddenly remember who was on her bed and the incident yesterday. She mentally face palmed herself and quietly walked towards the bed, trying to peek through the curtain of dark brown hair so she could see the beautiful face from behind it.
And Lauren being too focus on trying to see the girl's face, Chocolate lets out a small whimper from her pink lips making Lauren jump up in surprise, placing her hand on her chest near where her heart is located.

She then furrowed her eyebrows at the same time when Chocolate once again lets out a scared whimper. Lauren looked at her in concern and once again, jumped in surprise when Chocolate lets out a sob.

She's having a nightmare.

Lauren placed a hand on the girl's shoulder and started to gently shake the girl to wake her up which resulted for the girl to accidentally hit Lauren right on her nose.

"Ow.." Lauren rubbed the spot on her nose while she still continued to wake the girl up who now had tears running down her face. "Wake up..." Lauren whispered and dodged the girl's hits, moving on the other side of the bed.

Soon enough, the girl jolts up awake and looked around the unfamiliar room in panic. She was panting and beads of sweat formed on her forehead as tears continued to roll down her face. Another sob escape her lips and her scared eyes finally met Lauren's concerned ones. Lauren's heart broke at the sight and she immediately tried to comfort the girl.

"Hey,'s okay. You're safe, you're safe" Lauren whispered and moved closer to Chocolate as she rubbed her back in a comforting manner with her right hand and her left one, loosely around the girl's neck. She didn't like watching people cry and see them so vulnerable and miserable. 

The first thing she would do when she can is to—Enemy or Friend, Acquaintance or Not—either be right there beside them or would comfort them if they would allow her to, because some people would tell her to shut up and Lauren wouldn't take it personal or offensive and would just shut her mouth. They wouldn't need to tell Lauren why they were crying if they didn't want to because Lauren wouldn't push them to tell her since that's clearly none of her business.

"It's just a nightmare, they wouldn't hurt you.." Lauren whispered and Camila just held onto the girl's shirt as she tightly closed her eyes.

Camila would have felt a little better when Lauren have said that, but it wasn't entirely the case.
Because her nightmare was a nightmare that has happened in real life, A nightmare that would never leave her mind, a nightmare that would always hunt her down until she learns to accept it, A nightmare that
She wasn't hurt in.

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