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A/N: haaalllooooo again!!!


Lauren groggily sat up with a terrible headache as she looked around the unfamiliar white room she did not remember entering. The light was blinding that she had to squint her eyes to be able to see clearly. At the first few seconds, she panicked when she realized she wasn't in the party nor was she at home. Her heartbeat started to increase in a fast pace but then instantly relaxed when she saw her two best friends across from her, both clearly asleep.

Dinah was laying down on her stomach on the small couch across her bed with her hand dangling on the side while the eldest of them was resting her head on the table close to Dinah as she sat on a stool, her face covered under her crossed arms.

They looked so peaceful and Lauren didn't want to wake them. She was about to stand up from the bed but was abruptly stopped when she felt something tug on her arm, a light pain shooting through it.

And then it suddenly hits her.

She was at the hospital.

But why?

She didn't remember anything from the night before, the last thing she remember was taking drink by drinks until she was drunk. It was not a good idea considering her head was throbbing in pain and her eyes hurts too, either from hangover or it was just too sensitive from the light seeing that it was green.

Though, she didn't really want to remember what had happened. God knows what she had done on that party.

Lauren opened her mouth to speak but her throat felt dry and sore as if she haven't been drinking for days. how many hours have she been laying here? The side of her head hurts too and she wasn't sure if it was from the hangover. She might have fainted and hit her head but nothing really came to her memory to answer her own questions.

She just wished she didn't do anything stupid.

"Lauren?" Normani's voice pulled the called girl out from her thoughts and she then felt the bed dip beside her, followed by an arm on her shoulder. "Thank god you're finally awake. We were so worried!"

"Sorry..." She rasped out, her voice barely audible and she gave Normani an apologetic look.

"Oh! Right, I'll get you some water." The older girl face palmed for forgetting and stood up quickly to go to the table she had been sleeping on, grabbing the bottle of water. She opened the cap and helped Lauren take a sip.

But instead of a sip, Lauren downed it all. The green eyed girl lets out a content sigh after the water had hit her sore throat and she closed the cap, handing it back to her friend. It didn't hurt as much anymore, The headache was still there but now bearable.

Normani just stared at her for a moment as if she was analyzing her making Lauren feel vulnerable by her intense stare, looking down at her fingers anxiously. The room was filled with silence that Lauren could even hear Dinah's soft snores from across the room.

The bright light was not helping on her headache and she slowly closed her eyes to block it when Normani finally spoke again, sitting down on the stool beside the hospital bed.

"I told your parents I would call them when you wake up, they were really worried when they heard the news." Normani says and placed the bottle on the bedside table. "The doctors said you can head home when you feel better, maybe by tomorrow morning."

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