Twenty Eight

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Lauren propped up her legs on top of the bench against her chest clad up in a plain large white shirt and shorts, wrapping her arms tightly around her legs and rested her chin on her knees as she watched the children from afar playing around the park like little monkeys running around, tripping on their own feet only to pick themselves up and continued running with their grins still intact as if nothing happened, their loud laughters reaching her ears from where she stayed.

It made her wish that she could go back in time one more time when all she mostly ever did in her very massive free time as a 5 year old was to play with her playmates (which consisted her brother, cousins and friends from school); eat a bunch of unhealthy candies only to be scolded by her mother, color and draw in a piece of paper using crayons with her tongue slightly sticking out and place it on the door of the fridge proudly, scrape her knees and her father would never hesitate but to kiss it better after putting a small hello kitty bandage, run to her parents room crying when she's upset and finally, be tucked into bed by both of her parents with a loving kiss on their forehead without ever knowing that she and Chris would secretly take a story book from their small treasure chest and read it quietly together in the middle of the night until they feel really drowsy enough to sleep and go back to their beds.

Or maybe, they did know but never brought it up.

The sun was blazing down on Miami, the shadow casting down by the massive tree close to her prevented the scorching bright rays from completely coming in contact with her pale skin, though there were still a few drops of sweat forming on her forehead and the tip of her nose, feeling as if she was being literally roasted under the sun. The weather wasn't totally helping soothe down her nerves, in fact, it was making it slightly worse.

Lauren occasionally glanced at her phone laying down on her stomach nervously, its blank screen staring right back up at her as she waited for any new messages to arrive from a certain person.

Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt hours, her stomach felt like it was tying into knots by itself and her nerves trying to eat her whole before finally, the familiar sound of a notification reached her ears and Camila's contact name popped into her screen.

Camzi: God, I'm so so sorry! My phone died and I wasn't able to see your message until now, but yeah, sure I'll be there at 10. Is it something I should be worried about, Lo?

Lauren pursed her lips and waited for her phone to turn back to its blank black screen, deciding not to reply since truthfully, she had nothing else to say to her. All she texted her was that they needed to meet up at the park close to the small secluded bridge where a small rackety bench sat, she just knew Camila knew about that place and by the looks of the message, she surely did.

She couldn't answer the question with a no because that would mean she was lying and if she says yes then Camila would surely panic and get here as fast as she could. And, she needed more time for herself to think.

She didn't know what had gotten into her head to think that the park was the best place to tell her because it was, in fact, the exact same place where it all had happened. A part of her says that she needed to end it from the very place where it all started. But what was she ending? Their friendship, the lies Or Both?

Lauren lets out a deep sigh and laid her forehead on top of her knees, closing her eyes when unpleasant thoughts invaded her mind. Tears started to fall freely from her eyes uncontrollably and her shoulder started to shake violently as she cried, trying to stop the sobs from escaping her lips by clenching her fists.

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