Twenty Four

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A/N: I forgot to tell y'all this is a bit of angsty. Cuz ya kno, I like angst.
If you don't, I'm very sorry for you my friend.
(You can listen to the song while reading if ya like 😊)


Lauren smiled to herself, biting the bottom of her lips to try to stop it before anybody would notice her odd behavior these past days just by thinking about the events that have happened almost a week ago. She had been anxious thinking about going back to school with Luis being there after his threat but now she was somehow excited, having to see Camila around the campus and pushed all her worry to the back of her mind where it wouldn't bother her for even just a week or such. It had been making her stress.

"I..." Camila swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling as if her own heart would jump out of her chest from the amount of rapid pounding it was doing right now. She couldn't believe what Lauren have just said. It was just so unbelievable, having someone like Lauren have feelings for someone like Camila. She just hadn't expected it at all, why would Lauren even like her?

The green eyed girl pursed her lip and averted her gaze from Camila's to look outside her window to think for even just awhile, as of Camila, she was still trying to process what she had just said and recover from it.

Later on, Lauren felt a small palm resting itself on her shoulder, gently turning her around and was met with a close proximity of beautiful chocolate brown eyes staring right at her, something written all over her face that Lauren understood quite clearly.

Camila glanced down at her lips for a moment, their noses almost brushing creating a small electrical spark before her brown eyes quickly bounced back to the green ones in front of her. She knew what Camila wanted to do but never did she move an inch from her spot, maintaining her eye contact on the girl in front of her. It was as if she was hesitant to jump off a tall cliff, not knowing what in the world could be down there that a girl like her would jump into — it could be something so dangerous, something so beautiful, extraordinary, exciting and Camila wouldn't know what it really is if she wouldn't have a go at it.

A bunch of unspoken messages was exchange between them as a thick silence filled  up the air. There was only one thing that could break the small tension starting to form around them but both seemed to be frozen from their spot. The air seemed very different, much more different than the one they had their last kiss — The kiss Camila initiated, just like the first kiss that they had.

"Earth to Lauren." The called girl was snapped out of her thoughts rather rudely, someone giving her a hard shove on the shoulder to forcefully get her to go back to the real world. Lauren being alarmed, immediately held the table for balance with both her hands and glared at Dinah afterwards for possibly being the cause of her almost embarrassing scene that would have unfold if she didn't stop it.

"Lauser, are you okay?" Normani asked across the table, furrowing her eyebrows as lauren turned to her with a confused expression. "We would have understood you being in a bad mood from breakup but we didn't expect you to be... I don't know... Being all Smiley, maybe?"

Lauren's cheeks turned bright red, quickly averting her gaze to look at the plate of food in front of her instead. Of course they noticed, it wasn't that she didn't expect them to because obviously, they were her best friend but she actually thought she hid it quite well.

"You're horrible at hiding things, Lauren, don't even think you are." Normani says as if she was reading her mind, earning an eye roll from Lauren and a laugh from Dinah.

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