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"Hey Camila." Lauren greeted waving at the brown eyed girl who smiled at her, waving back as she secretly studied the girl. washed jeans and a simple white shirt yet she still looked beautiful. Camila looked down at her own clothes and pursed her lips, suddenly feeling insecure at her huge grey sweater and jeans. Lauren always looked good any clothes, she sometimes wondered how.

"Excited for Friday?" Lauren asked, wanting to spark a conversation with the girl even just a shake of her head and a nod. There was a small dance party in their school thrown by the student councils just for the celebration of Christmas before they leave for Christmas break though she was sure it wouldn't be small, she was still going anyway. She had to, Luis asked her to be his date and if it weren't for him asking, Lauren would have stayed at home all day and watch Netflix, read books, watch movies or things that would entertain her. That's what she always does every dance party before Christmas break and she was going continue that 'tradition' of her's if it weren't for Luis, not like she was pissed though because she was kind of glad that she wouldn't mop around her house again for this year. After all, she had no other plans this Friday and maybe if she'll invite Camila, she would be entertain during the whole dance just in case Luis decided to ditch her for his friends or something.

But by the confusion of Camila's face, she guess she had to explain which also means more time with her. "There's a small dance party this Friday, remember? It was on the announcement." Lauren says, speaking slower than usual because the explanation was actually really short. Wow, what was happening to her?

Camila. That was her only explanation as to why she was like this, she was never been like this with Luis. Ever.

Realization then hits Camila, her mouth forming an 'o'. this was one of the positive sides of Camila not talking. she looked adorable when she doesn't speak and makes those expressions and also  wouldn't be asking Lauren about her weird behavior.

Camila pursed her lips and shrugged before looking behind Lauren's shoulder to see Luis walking towards them with his group of friends. Even if she didn't, she would have known due to how loud their laughter and voices were. Luis caught her eyes and once he did, he glared at her and glanced at Lauren. Camila sighed and turned to look at Lauren who was playing with the hem of her shirt. Okay, how was she suppose to get her attention?

Camila decided to just place her hand quickly on Lauren's shoulder making the older girl jump at the sudden contact, whipping her head up to let her surprise green eyes meet Camila's apologetic ones. Lauren understood the silent message Camila was giving her as the girl placed her hand back to her side and glanced over her shoulder before looking back at Camila who was fixing her bag on her back or rather playing with the straps.

"Okay, I'll see you—wait." Lauren suddenly remembers, mentally face palming herself. "Are you going to the dance?"

Camila smiled softly and shook her head as Lauren tried to hide her disappointment.

"Are you sure? I'll help you find something to wear if you don't have one seeing that I don't have anything, I actually don't go to these dances because well..I just stay at home but since Luis asked me to be his date so why not? So it'll be my first time there too and I actually would really love your company because—" Lauren rambled and was then caught off when Camila laughs, shaking her head and placing her hand on Lauren's shoulder to stop her from talking. That gave her shivers and she coughed awkwardly before shrugging Camila's hand off her shoulder that had stayed there longer than the other one as Luis was now behind Lauren resulting to show a hurt look on Camila's face. Lauren didn't mean it like that, Camila touching her just give her shivers. Good kind of shivers, at least but that's not what Camila thought.

"Hey baby girl." Luis greeted giving Lauren a soft kiss on the lips as Camila sighed, turning around to leave as she clutched her bag strap tightly around her hand, her knuckled turning white as she clenched her jaw. It was as if Luis was doing this on purpose seeing that before he did that, Camila saw him smirk. Why would he even do that? It's not like he knows Camila likes Lauren...more than she should, more than she knows, more than she would know.

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