Twenty Five

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"Camz, I'm sorry." Lauren whispered almost inaudibly, standing beside Camila's locker uncertain if she should be even standing there. She hadn't slept well these past 2 days after the events that have happened in her car, she wanted to contact the girl immediately to fix things but she knew she couldn't do it. Camila needed space, some air to breath even just for a few hours but Lauren couldn't keep things the way it is right now. She wanted them to be okay and so now here she was — apologizing.

The weather today seemed to reflect her mood these past few days. It was raining heavily in Miami, the sound of the pitter patter on the roofs of the cars on the school parking lot could slightly reach their ears. The wind 's hard blows could be heard as well and Lauren was quite surprised class hadn't been suspended due to the weather today.

Camila closed her locker after retrieving the last book she needed for her classes before turning around to face Lauren with an unreadable expression on her face. The girl nodded softly and pointed to a direction over her shoulder with her thumb which Lauren quickly knew that she wanted to talk somewhere private, where nobody could hear them. Lauren nodded as well and trailed behind Camila, running her hand through her hair once they were at the old staircase that nobody uses.

"I want to tell you." Camila spoke after a few moments of silence, nibbling with her bottom lip nervously as she looked down at her shoes. She wanted to tell Lauren everything, from the beginning, all the way to why she doesn't talk. She had just realized Lauren had no knowledge about her sister or probably many other things about her while she knew a lot about her.

Lauren had a slight clue as to what the girl wanted to tell her and watched as Camila's began playing with her fingers mindlessly, her hair looking like a mess and eye bags formed around her eyes as if she hadn't had a single wink of sleep either. Nonetheless, she was still gorgeous.

"About my sister." She says, slowly looking up to get a glimpse of Lauren's beautiful features and expressions. The girl didn't look quite surprised at all, holding an unreadable expression on her face which kind of surprised her. However, she continued. "She... She... She..."

"I know." Lauren whispered, reassuring her that she didn't have to tell her if she wasn't ready. She gave her a soft sad smile in sympathy, placing a comfortable hand on her shoulder while Camila looked at her in confusion. "At the cemetery... When you ran away. I was the one who took you home,"

Lauren watched as Camila's features slowly turned into realization, letting her continue. "And I may have saw the name written on the pavement. I'm sorry Camz, I really didn't mean to but I had to know if you were safe."

"Either way, you still had to know somehow." Camila muttered, slightly jumping when the sound of the bell hits both of her ear. She shook her head and held Lauren's wrist, making sure she wouldn't go anywhere even if she knew she would stay. "I need to tell you... How she.. I... It's just that, my therapist told me I should talk to someone about this whenever I'm ready. She says it'll make me feel better and so I... My first thought was talk to you since you're obviously the only person I talk to and I thought I was ready but I can't even say... I can't even say that she's.... It's just.. I'm..."

Lauren reached up to wipe the tear that had unexpectedly slipped out on Camila's eye, contemplating whether she should wrap her arms around her or not. But, she wasn't able to when Camila started talking once again.

"It all happened at the park," Camila started, wiping her sweaty palms on her jeans as she took a deep breath to try to calm the rapid heartbeat of the organ in her chest area as she knew memories would start to flash through her head. Lauren encouraged for her to continue one sentence at a time, rubbing circling patterns on her arm in comfort. "S-sofi had asked me to buy her an ice cream from the ice cream van across the road."

Now Lauren knew where this was going and she didn't like it one bit, bringing terrible memories to her as well.

"And so I did, I got her a vanilla one. I remember that she was calling my name so I turned around just as she ran across the street but... a car was speeding down the road as well."


"I tried to stop the car or the person but I can't."

Camila slammed her hand against the person's window, shouting and crying hysterically as she demanded for the person inside to get out and face their mistakes. However, the engine starts once again and started moving as if nothing had happened.

"Camz," Lauren whispered, pulling the crying girl in her arms and rubbed circles on her back in a comforting manner. She closed her eyes as well as memories started to pour down on her, making her grip tighten around the girl. The memory was very vivid but she hated it — it was a mistake. She shouldn't have driven at such a young age while she was tipsy and the fact that it was illegal made it even much worse for her case.

"It happened almost 3 years ago Lauren! And I still can't get over the fact that-that she's.. dead!" Camila cried out, gripping unto Lauren's shirt making the older girl freeze right on her spot at the other information she had just received . 3 years ago. Lauren's heart started hammering inside her chest in an unhealthy pace, tears starting to form in her eyes at the realization as she started to puzzle up the small pieces of informations all together.

"She's dead and I can never have her back because of one heartless monster who didn't even bother taking a glance at their own mistakes!"


A/N: IM SORRY. A few more chapters... okay, I might actually add a few more but I think this is almost coming to an end and I think you wouldn't like the ending... Okay actually, you definitely would not like the ending but I (kind of) made up my mind already so... Again, IM SORRY YALL but I shall warn you.

Aaaaaand another huge apology to y'all because... No epilogue and sequel cuz I suck at it so yeah.

Also.. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do with Camila's best friend lmfao oops guys, my mistake.

Also ALSO, I have written another book! Go check it out if ya like. It's called hate that I love you!!. 💕💕

(Ps. I'm that kind of person who can never seem to make up their mind because I'm so unorganized and would change ideas very so often until I'm satisfied with my work. So who knows? I might change my mind hahah)

-Aria xx

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