Twenty One

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A/N: y'all made me feel guilty last chapter...
So here y'all go babes!


The rain was heavily pouring down on a Friday morning in Miami endlessly, turning the once dry sidewalks and streets into a vast of puddles. Unlike most people, Camila was standing outside of her house and drenched from her head to toe, just staring up into the dark sky with her eyes closed as if it was any other sunny days. Besides, She couldn't care any less for what people might think of her right now.

A cold breeze of the wind hits Camila's skin and she shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. Nevertheless, she stayed on her exact place with only a sweater and pants covering her body. The sound of the rain just gives peace to her mind just like music does, silencing the rest of the world and not think much about anything other than focusing on the sound.

Camila furrowed her eyebrows when she felt something engulf her shoulders and brought her some warmth to her cold body. She kind of wished it could reach her heart.

"Camila..." The familiar voice whispered closed to her ears making her shiver more than the cold wind did and she turned around, frowning up at the girl who looked at her concerned. "You'll catch a cold."

I don't care. Camila wanted to say but wasn't able to. Therefore, she let Lauren lead her back into her own house that was currently empty due to her parents being at work. They wanted to stay to keep a look at her but apparently, they had a meeting and didn't leave until Camila pinky promised that she wouldn't do anything stupid?

The brown eyed girl stayed standing close to the front door and only moved forward when Lauren came back with a towel from upstairs. The older Latina handed her her some clothing and Camila went to her bathroom to change into the clothes Lauren had probably randomly picked inside her closet.

When Camila finished changing, she immediately headed upstairs to her room and sat down on her bed with her hair still slightly dripping wet. Camila just stared at her blank walls, her feet crossed under her and her large sweater covered half of her body.

She didn't move on the bed when she heard the door to her bedroom open.

She didn't move even when she felt the bed slightly dip from the weight.

Even when Lauren sat from behind her and started combing her slightly wet hair with a comb — her movements so gentle and careful as if she would break her if she wouldn't. Lauren's fingers running through Camila's hair relaxed her that she almost sighed in content despite their situation.

Her feelings were confusing her right now though to begin with, she never really understood her feelings in the first place.

The room was filled with complete silence, The calming breeze of the wind and the splitter splatter of the rain on the roof was the only sound being created and Camila had to admit it was quite comfortable too.

The idea of having to talk but not being able to stressed her out a lot and trying not to think much about it made her feel stressed out too.

Camila being deprived of sleep these past weeks, she didn't realize she started leaning backwards on Lauren's chest and her eyes starting to droop.

Luckily, Lauren immediately sensed her sleepy state and repositioned them into a more comfortable, letting the girl unconsciously curl up into a bawl in her arms.

She played with the girl's hair, fully knowing that Camila liked it until she finally felt the girl's steady breathing and light snores.

Lauren wanted to forget whatever had happened to them, relax her confused mind and heart — to forget about Luis and drama even just for a day.

She wanted to just focus on Camila's peaceful and beautiful features right now, the way she softly clenches Lauren's shirt with her hand and her legs tangled between Lauren's.

Sometimes, Camila would whisper inaudible words and Lauren found it endearing, adorable. At least, Lauren could hear her soft voice that she missed so damn much.

With a small smile on her lips, Lauren closed her eyes and let herself fall asleep.


Lauren was awoken by the sound of a doorbell.

She glanced outside through the window and noticed that the rain had finally stopped, though the streets were still wet and the sun was still hiding behind the thick clouds.

Lauren frowned when she heard the bell ring once again and she looked down at Camila, contemplating whether she should get up and check or just stay with the girl until the person decides to leave.

The green eyed girl sighed and tried to carefully pry Camila's hands that was wrapped tightly around her waist, only for the grip to tighten if still possible and a slight whimper of protest escaped the girl's lips. Lauren softly smiled and caressed Camila's dark brown hair.

"I'm sorry Camz, but I need to go check who's outside." She whispered, knowing the girl was awake from the loud noise. But the girl only shook her head and clenched Lauren's shirt tightly with her fist, her eyes still tightly closed. "Camz please..."

Another ring of the doorbell.

"I'll be back, I promise." Lauren says and the brown orbs finally appeared back to the world, looking up at Lauren pleadingly not to leave. She looked so vulnerable and small as if Lauren would leave her for good if she would ever let go. "I'll just go check, okay? It might be the neighbors."

Lauren sighed when Camila only closed her eyes and tightened her grip around her waist stubbornly. "Or I'll tickle."

Suddenly, Camila's eyes shot open and she immediately lets go of Lauren's waist, sitting up while she glared at her who just laughs at her reaction.

Then, Lauren stood up and Camila immediately got to her feet, tightly grabbing the girl's hands in her's. The older girl didn't seem to mind as they walked down the stairs with Camila practically bone crushing her hand.

Who could be ringing the doorbell outside?

Not knowing who it was, Lauren motioned for Camila to go to the living room just to be safe but of course, the girl just ignored her making Lauren roll her green eyes playfully.

Once they were in front of the door, Lauren swung it open and they were met with a tall blonde haired boy with bright hazel eyes smiling widely at them. His hands were shoved inside the pockets of his black hoodie and his eyes turned from Lauren to Camila before shyly fixing his beanie on top of his head, clearly recognizing the younger Latina.



A/N: so how are y'all? Doing good? Don't worry, you'll meet the new character soon ;)

Oh, and i swear this will be the final book cover that I will have!

Be nice to yourselves, y'all beauties -xxAria

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