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It was in the middle of Wednesday night that Camila had it again. It had been weeks since she last had it and now it came back to haunt her. Flashes of memory on that day ran through her head, tears streaming uncontrollably from her face as sweat dripped down from her forehead and she screamed sitting up in fright. Memories that she hadn't remembered, memories that included someone way too familiar but never have remember since that day. Her breathing was uneven and she felt like something was blocking her lungs, making her unable to breath properly.

The door burst open, a panicked and concerned Sinu and Alejandro immediately went over to their daughter with only their pajamas. She quickly sat down on the bed and felt her heart ache as she held Camila close to her, whispering comforting words in her ear as the teen sobbed, tightly clutching her mother's shirt. Alejandro quickly went downstairs to get some water, leaving the door slightly open which gave Jake the chance to enter. The dog hopped on top of the bed and laid down with his head resting on Camila's lap, whimpering when Camila choked from her own tears. It was as if he knew his owner was sad.

Soon enough, Alejandro reentered and held the water to Camila's lips, the girl taking a small sip as his father rubbed her back. They had no clue as to why this happened again, it had been weeks since it last happened that they thought that it was completely gone for good but boy were they wrong. Sinu wiped her daughter's forehead with the towel and continued to rub her back in a comforting manner.
They hated seeing their daughter like this, they wanted to take the nightmares away but nothing just seemed to work. In these past weeks, they noticed Camila's change. The girl would often go out now, mostly to go to Lauren's house. It was just across the street but it was better than just locking herself in her room.

"Sofi..." Was all Camila kept repeating over and over again, whispering some inaudible words until she finally fell back asleep.


"Hey you." Lauren grinned, waving happily at the girl who was the quite opposite of her mood today. It was now Thursday, one more day until the dance and Camila didn't feel any much excited for tomorrow. She lost all her excitement after that dream, she didn't even want to go to school today but she just had to. Lauren seemed to sense that something was wrong and Camila didn't like it that the girl knows her too well — or maybe she was just good at reading people. "Did you get much sleep? You looked tired."

Lauren was sure she was asleep when she left the house and it wasn't even that late when she did. Did she wake her up? No, no she didn't she made sure she didn't...Then, a light bulb clicked in her head, now having a clue as to why.

Lauren slightly frowned in sympathy and sighed, "Nightmare?" That definitely caught Camila's attention, making her look up from her fingers that she had been fiddling with and she gazed her eyes on those captivating green ones that just seemed to pierced through her soul. Camila softly nodded, placing her hand on her chest and softly hit on it a few times with her fist as if to say that it hurts. Lauren, having nothing to say, just stepped forward and wrapped her arms around the girl and caressed her long brown hair with the tip of her fingers. She wanted those nightmares to disappear, she wanted to help her, but how?

"Do you want to talk about it? What it was about?" Lauren questioned and looked down at Camila who shook her head, clutching Lauren's shirt in her hand as she tightly closed her eyes, her head was starting to ache and she knew too well why.

"Sofi!" Camila screamed, immediately running over to her sister who was lifeless on the ground, blood covering her forehead but she stopped midway when she saw the car on her peripheral vision that possibly could have killed her sister and had stopped on the middle of the road, trying to turn their car back on.

Her heart beats rapidly inside her chest and she didn't know what she was doing next but before she knew it, she was already angrily banging on the car window of the driver's seat as she screamed for them to open the door. Suddenly, the car finally turned on and started to slowly drive again. 

She screamed and screamed even when the car sped away from her vision. She was able to catch a glance of two people inside the car despite the dark tint on the window. She have also seen the plate number but the car was never seen again.

And all Camila saw next was darkness, not being able to remember anything that she have seen up until now.

"Hey, Lauren." Zayn greeted Lauren and cocked an eyebrow when he noticed that she wasn't alone. Camila froze and turned around to face him, a wash of odd familiarity suddenly hitting her like a train. She didn't know if it was just on her dream or if it was real that he was indeed there on that very place, but her breathing suddenly got uneven again, her lungs felt like it was closing up as she continued to look up at Zayn who frowned in confusion.

"Camila?" Lauren called out in concern, placing her hand on the girl's shoulder as she tried to calm her down. The girl's eyes weren't focused on her, it was focused on Zayn though she didn't know why.

"Is she okay?" Zayn asked in concern and Camila took deep breaths just like what Lauren have instructed her to do. Lauren squeezed her shoulder and watched as Camila slowly started to calm down her breathing but she caught a glimpse of tears wanting to so badly escape from her eyes. Camila shook her head and pushed Lauren's hand away before turning around to leave, leaving Lauren and Zayn confused on their spots. The green eyed girl decided to just leave her be, thinking that maybe she just needed some time and space.


A/N: Lolz sorry if it's too short but fluff had to end for awhile...

hope you guys liked it :)

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