Chapter 11

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Stephanie's POV:
It's now Tuesday and Louis and I have been cuddling on my bed watching Netflix these past couple of days. Well we also had dinner which was usually pizza or Chinese food, we were too lazy to make anything. I was kind of depressed today because Louis has to leave tomorrow. Management called him and said he had to leave earlier to get ready to continue the tour.And I'm literally heart broken.

I think I might love Louis, I just hope he feels the same way. Otherwise my heart will be shattered forget broken. I'm trying not to think of tomorrow but I can't it hurts to know that I'm gonna loose the thing I care most about.

Oh and yes I took off these past 2 days from school. I was definitely not going to go to school and leave Louis here all alone. Speaking of Louis, he just came out from the bathroom. Now I'm looking at him like I'm a freak, great nice going Stephanie. He starts to smile and says "what you like what you see?" While posing like a model. Yes! I mentally scream. He had his shirt off and I can see his toned and tattooed torso, arms, and chest. I might die.

"Well okay then. I think that sometimes you don't know you say what you're thinking." He says while laughing. Oh god did I just.... Ugh kill me now. How many times before this had I done that...

Louis' POV:
I was in the bathroom when I realized that I forgot my shirt in Stephanie's room. Oh well I'll just go grab it. When I walk out there Stephanie is staring at me. It made me laugh because she started to blush, which made her look so much more innocent and adorable.

Before I took my shower in the bathroom I made a quick phone call to management. I have become so close to Stephanie that if I had to leave her, I just don't know what I would do. She meant the world to me. So I called management asking if she could come on the rest of the tour with the lads and I. It took a lot of convincing and arguing to finally get the my to say yes, but yea they said yes!! Not going to lie I almost cried from happiness. I couldn't wait to tell Stephanie. I just hope that she will agree to come. Otherwise I would be heartbroken.

Stephanie's POV:
After Louis put on his shirt he walked over to me and sat on the bed. He looked upset. But he started to talk "well you know I'm supposed to leave tomorrow. I'm going to miss you a lot." I almost started to cry because this is the conversation I had been dreading these past few days. But then he looks up at me "well I know you will miss me. So I came up with a plan." I didn't notice I had been looking down at my lap until Louis lifts my head up and starts to smile. "Would you like to join me and the lads on the rest of the tour?"

My heart drops. This is amazing, I don't have to leave Louis. But then I thought of school and how I have to finish my last year or obviously I couldn't graduate. " I would love to go Louis I really would. But what about school what am I gonna do. I have to finish my last year." I swear he had thought about this for days because he had an answer right away "you could just take online classes. So while we're traveling you can just go on your computer and bam! You're at school." I guess this was a good idea. Besides I didn't want to think about this anymore. Otherwise I would think of all the reasons of why I shouldn't. "okay I'll go!!"

Louis then wraps me into one of his famous bear hugs and it makes me melt like putty in his arms. I loved being with Louis and I would love being with him on tour even more. There's no other place I would rather be. He told me that I have to start packing and that I would have to have enough clothes for about 5 months. I was shocked that it would last 5 months.But it would be an interesting 5 months.

I loved being with Louis I really did and yes I might be falling for him. But there was this side of me that questioned Louis. He was famous and could date any girl he wanted which is what scares me. We aren't dating but I cared about Louis and if he ever hurt me I don't know what I would do. I'm leaving my home for 5 months for Louis, I just don't want to be hurt in the end. I'm trusting Louis but is trust enough?

Louis' POV:
I'm so happy that Stephanie decided to come on tour. I can't wait to tell the other boys, they will be happy for me. Especially when I tell them that I'm starting to like this girl, possibly even love her. I hope she trusts me because I know that I can trust her more than anything.

Stephanie spent the whole day packing while I texted the boys. They were all happy for me and we're excited to meet her. And I was excited for them to meet her.

We woke up early the next day to get to the airport on time. At 6 am we got there which was perfect because our flight was at 7 am. It would give us time to get through security, baggage check and all that.

Stephanie's POV:
I was excited yet apprehensive while boarding the plane. But I can't live life full of what if's I have to take a chance. Life is full of chances, I just hope that I didn't make the wrong decision.

Instead of thinking about the bad things. I try to focus on the fact that I will be traveling with Louis across the world. I will try not to think of Louis finding somebody else but it will be hard with all of the fans and other famous women. But for now I'm going to sleep the rest of the plane ride because I hate waking up early and I had to do that this morning.

Again thank you for reading! There will be another update soon:)

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