Chapter 41

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Stephanie's POV:

Liam, Brooklyn, Niall, Courtney, Harry and I arrived in Florida about 2 days ago. All we have been doing is hanging around, the boys currently have a short break. So all we are doing is going to the movies, shopping, and going sight seeing. You guys probably think I'm crazy for being happy and excited to be here when I can pretty much visit anytime. But I love seeing new places so every place we go to I am just as excited as I was the last time.

A part of me feels bad for Louis,I haven't seen him ever since the incident between him and I at the hotel. Of course I am upset with him but I don't want to push him away or get hurt. I know now that I can never love him as much as I do Liam, I just cant. But I can't leave him hurt, I would be so guilty.

In a couple of hours Liam and the boys have their first concert after their time off. Not gonna lie I am excited to get to see them perform once again. No matter how many times I see them perform I don't think I'll ever not be excited to see them.

Liam is getting ready in the bathroom as I wait outside of the hotel room for him to finish. I pull out my phone to see that we have an hour to get there or otherwise we will be late. Another 5 minutes passed Liam still hasn't walked out of the bathroom.

"Liam. Babe, we have to go!" I am shocked at my own words for a moment. I was never brave enough to call Liam babe or any other names that couples would call each other. But of course that's what gets him out of the bathroom.. "What took you so long? We're gonna be late." I tell Liam while giggling.

He looks at me and holds up two fingers. "Two things. First of all I had a hard time with my hair and second did you call me babe?" His smirk only makes me feel 10x more embarrassed. "Maybe?" I try my hardest not to look nervous but my face just heats up anyway. Honestly I give up on trying to control my nerves . It never works anyway.

Liam kisses me quickly then walks out the door and I basically jog behind him the rest of the way to the car. If I don't jog I don't think I'll catch up with him, I think he has realized how late it really is. The concert starts at 7 and it is currently 6. Okay we can make it, it will be okay. Why do we always have to run late? I look out the window the rest of the car ride and watch the other cars zoom by.

We start to pull into the stadium and I look over at Liam to see he's not flustered a bit. He was just rushing out the door a few minutes ago but now everything is fine." Are you not worried that you might be late?" He shakes his head "We will be fine." I just shake my head in frustration, it's his show not mine, I think to myself while I mentally laugh.

It is amazing to see how the boys sell out huge stadiums like these every night that they perform at. I'm always shocked to know that millions of people can fit in these stadiums, and the boys can perform in front of them like there are only 10 people there watching. They sure are brave.

As soon as we get back stage to meet the rest of the boys I see Harry and Courtney kissing. "Hey keep it G children!" I shout over to them. Courtney looks at me and I see that her face flushes from my actions while Harry just chuckles, he can care less. I look over for a second to see Brook and Niall doing the same thing. I decide to leave them be this time, that is the first time that I am actually seeing them kiss. I'm happy to see them happy, Courtney and Brooklyn picked good.

A couple of minutes later the boys kiss each of us and  run onto stage. But as they run onto stage I see Louis, and something doesn't look right. He looks really tired? I don't know what it is but he doesn't look okay. I jut shrug it off and push away my thoughts while watching the show from back stage. I don't want to ruin the night. I've had plenty of sucky nights quite a few times in the past couple weeks and I don't want tonight to become a repeat of those nights.

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