Chapter 31

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Louis' POV:

I wake up today determined to try and fix things between Stephanie and I. Not to try and be in a relationship again but to try and start a friendship, that way we can see each other and acknowledge that the other person is actually there. It's what is best for both of us and even Liam.

Stephanie's POV:

Liam has to go back to the recording studio today. He has been gone quite a lot lately since they have been recording songs for their new album. I hate not having him around, whenever Liam is around I am happy and don't have a care in the world. Well except for the few hours at night where I have to find time to do my school assignments online, but then again Liam will find a way to make me feel better. Just like he always does. While Liam is gone all I do is my schoolwork and watch tv. While the rest of the time I just sit here feeling lonely.

It isn't until about 5pm Liam gets back, like he has been the past few weeks. As soon as he gets back to the hotel he comes in and hugs me saying how much he missed me. All of a sudden the loneliness I once felt disappeared, I hate being away from him.

We just sit here for a couple of minutes in pure silence just hugging one another. "Do you want to go out to eat with the lads and I, we're going to some pizza place." I was about to say no but he looks like he wants me to go, besides I don't want to be apart from him anymore today. I guess I am just worried that Louis will be there, he did just say the lads. He's been avoiding me to the point where I'm completely uncomfortable around him. "Sure, if it's okay with you." He smiles "it's definitely okay with me babe."

I throw some shoes on then start to head to the car with Liam. Hopefully tonight will just be relaxing.

Liam's POV:

The lads and I are in the recording studio this morning,everything is normal. We are going over a few songs and deciding whether we like them or not. Then eventually we start to record some parts of the songs. After a while of recording we go on about an hour break. Almost the entire time we are in the recording studio things between Louis and I are awkward. I mean how could it not be weird. After Louis told me everything yesterday I couldn't help but think about how sensitive he actually is.

When our break comes around I plan on taking a quick nap. Louis obviously doesn't want anything to do with me and Niall and Harry are writing, they love writing music. As do we, but they just can't get enough of it. Right as I am about to sleep I feel someone tap my shoulder. I thought for sure it is either Niall or Harry because they like to annoy me when I try to relax, so without opening my eyes I mumble "go away". "Come on Payno, I have to ask you something." I am a little shocked at first to recognize the voice as Louis'.

I quickly open my eyes "oh hey.. Sorry I thought you were Niall or Harry." He just shrugs his shoulders. "I have a question." I nod my head "shoot at it" "would it be possible to meet up with Stephanie some how. I want to try and make things right between us... you know as friends. She deserves that. If I can't fix my past mistakes I can try and fix this one, it's the least I can do for both you and her." I am very hesitant about it at first but I know that Louis wants the best for her and I also know that I can trust Louis. So why not give him a chance?

I tell him the plan and how we can meet up with the lads and Stephanie at this pizza place down the street. If we weren't leaving tomorrow afternoon I would say that we can just meet somewhere for dinner then instead of now because we are all tired. On the bright side hopefully everything will be all better tomorrow, it was so much better that way instead of everyone being uncomfortable and on edge.

Louis' POV:

I am honestly nervous walking into the restaurant . When I see the top of Stephanie's head I feel a rush of nervousness wash through me. But I have to do this for Liam and Stephanie. I see that they are about to leave but then Liam makes eye contact with me and he nods his head.

I walk up to Stephanie, as I approach her I can see that her eyes are full of worry, I can tell she didn't expect me to be here. 'you can do this, just remember it's for Both Liam and Stephanie'  I saying this to myself over and over, before I pull her aside.

Stephanie's POV:

The boys and I are about to leave when I make eye contact with Louis. I swear that I have the worst luck in the world. "Can I speak with you?" Wow he actually wants to acknowledge my existence now. I nervously look to Liam to see he's giving me a nod to tell me everything's okay, I have a feeling that he knew about this.

Louis guides me right outside of the entrance of the restaurant and I just stand there still terrified of what could happen. It was like meeting him for the first time all over again. Only this time there are no feelings involved." I know that what I did to you was awful and I haven't spoke to you since. But it's been hard for me too, I hate having to wake up everyday to see that your hurt and that I'm the reason for that pain. Maybe that's my punishment for what I have done to you, it's just hard to see that you hate me. That's why I avoid you and try not to talk to you. I can't stand to see the hatred in your eyes when you see me. I'm sorry for everything. You don't deserve to be hurt anymore than you already have been. I hope that maybe for now on we could just... Be friends."

It takes me a moment to process what he is saying but maybe I can just let everything go and just start over with him. But only this time we will be friends, it's better that way. Now I have Liam, Liam has my heart, I'm holding on to what we have and I don't think I'm letting go any time soon. I can never tell Louis that I love Liam. I know that it will hurt him. "I forgive you Louis, I think it's a good idea to become friends. We both deserve it, and one day you will find the right girl , I just guess I wasn't enough for you." Yes I am still a little upset but I'm trying to get rid of the grudge I'm holding against Louis. He apologized.

Louis' POV:

After talking to Stephanie I feel so much better and now I feel like everything can go back to normal. Well semi- normal, nothing will ever be the same again. I'll still be hurt from what I did to Stephanie and now her and Liam are together. But at least we can all be in the Same room together.

When she said that she isn't enough for me it broke my heart. I guess I have had that coming all along. It id just one of the many ways of trying to get over Stephanie. The worst part is just trying to tell her that we should only be friends, but I did what's best for her and her relationship with Liam.

Thank you for reading! And sorry for the late update I was watching 1D on GMA. They were amazing as usual😂. Anyways once again thank you for reading and please remember to vote and comment on this book!:)

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