Chapter 43

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Stephanie's POV:

It is currently the day after Liam proposed to me. And I'm happier than ever. We were now on our way to tell our friends about the proposal, we thought that the sooner we told everybody the better everything would be.

It only took about 3 minutes to walk down the hallway to Brooklyn and Courtney's room. Before we knocked I stuck my hands in my pocket to hide the ring. I didn't want them to see it before I even told them what happened, what would be the surprise in that?

Liam looks at me as if to ask of I'm ready. I nod my head and then he knocks on the door. This was it, I'm telling the only family that I have, that I'm getting married. It's kind of exciting. But nerve racking at the same time.

When I hear someone approach the door I send Liam a quick smile and he does the same thing. Harry answered the door which was weird, but then he opened the door wider to see the rest of the boys with Brook and courtney in the back. "Hi! Good morning!" Harry says while smirking at us like a creep. It was kind of funny. "Good morning." Liam says while smiling at Harry guiding me inside.

We walk over to the couch in the living room and sit down. Liam and I planned on acting upset at first to trick them. I hope my bad acting skills don't ruin this ,I think, mentally laughing. Liam took my smaller hand into his larger one and squeezed it reassuringly to make everything look real. Don't worry it was the hand without the ring haha. When he did that everyone walked in the small living room slowly and looked at us with sorrow.

The plan was working I just can't mess it up. You can keep up your horrible acting for a few more minutes. I repeat this to myself a couple of time in my head. "We have some news.." I say while sighing trying my hardest to look depressed. "What's the matter what happened?" Courtney says in a caring tone. I like at Liam who winks at me giving me the signal that it was his time to speak.

"We got engaged" he said in a very low tone and mumbled half of it. "What? What did you say.. Someone died?! Omg I'm so sorry who was it?!"
Harry says while freaking out and running his hands through his hair. "No silly...we" I say "are" Liam says and we take a quick pause. "Engaged." I say while looking at all of them, Niall, Brook, Harry, Courtney ,and Louis. Right when I said the words I wanted to cry out in joy but it took everything in me not to.

Brook and courtney run up to me and give me a big hug congratulating me while telling me "you did everything before us." Which only made the 3 of us laugh. When I look over to Harry and Niall they are clapping their hands while jumping up and down saying "this is so cute.. Our Liam is gonna get married!" They literally looked like little girls. "You guys look like you're two little girls." Liam says and I laugh not only at what he said but because I was just thinking the same thing.

I look to where Louis was standing. Before we decided to tell everyone I dreaded telling Louis. I didn't know what it would do to him, it could make or break his life. Just months ago I would have wished to have this impact on somebody but now that it's here and I love somebody, I wish that I wouldn't have this impact on him. It's too much for the both of us and I'm sure everybody could see that it was too much.

When I look over at Louis. He looked upset, the emotion I was dreading to see him have. I don't want him to be like this. Louis must have seen that I looked upset when I saw his reaction. So he put on a fake smile and said "I'm so happy for you guys! This is amazing!" Everybody was smiling, laughing, and talking. But as we did that I could see Louis sneaking towards the door with his head down. And for the first time I saw Louis Tomlinson break down in tears. I mean I've seen him shed a couple of tears and wipe them away right after to look tough. But not this time.

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