Chapter 13

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Stephanie's POV:
After we talked with the other boys for a while we decided to watch a movie before we went to bed. When we asked which movie we should watch, Liam said "Toy Story." Which made me laugh, but I wanted to watch it too it was one of my favorite movies. But before we could argue Louis, Harry, and Niall whispered something. Then Louis came and wrapped his arms around my waist while Harry put in the video and Niall sat next to Liam.

We couldn't see what they were doing but I could tell it wasn't good. Liam starts to smile thinking it was Toy Story and so did I, I was in the mood to watch it, it's a good movie, don't judge haha. As the movie was starting I noticed that the advertisements weren't for kids they were scarier. I started to get nervous but when I looked over at Liam he seemed calm. So I just shrugged it off. That's until the movie started and I did not like what I saw and neither did Liam.

They  put in Insidious. Of course they did. I started to hate scary movies more and more I was terrified of them. Louis looked down at me with a smirk on his face but I just looked at him like I was going to kill him. I think he got the message because he just started to squeeze me and say "it's fine it's only a movie. None of it is real." It's not that I thought it was real but they just made it look so real. Whoever made these movies, I hate you.

Not until halfway through the movie did I start to fall asleep. When I fell asleep I ended up sleeping on Louis' chest. I thought I heard whispering before I fell asleep but I'm probably going crazy. These movies really get to me.

I woke up to something that sounded like an alarm. But not a regular alarm it was one of those scary alarms like in all of those stupid scary movies. To reassure myself I try to look up to Louis, but when I looked up there was no Louis. Then I decide to look around the room and nobody's here. Mentally I start to freak and if things got any scarier I would really freak the hell out.

I decided to get up and see if they were in the kitchen or their rooms. The disappointment struck me when I found out they weren't here. "Come on guys this isn't funny. Where are you?!" I start to yell through the house. That's when something grabs my shoulder, I scream so loud and start running.

As I'm running something jumps out from behind a wall and grabs me, I start to scream even louder than before and see multiple figures walking over to me. As the figures came closer I could hear grumbling, like the sound zombies make. This scared the crap out of me especially because the lights were off. I just lost control and started to cry and scream at the same time.

When I started crying the lights were turned on and I saw the boys looking down on me with concern. Ugh I should have known it was them I'm so stupid. Louis is the one to quickly pick me up and place me in his lap and start to tell me that he's sorry. Saying that he didn't mean to scare me that badly. It was stupid of me to get so scared he shouldn't feel bad. At least I can look back on this and laugh. But I felt awful, all of the boys were apologizing over and over again.

I quickly stop them "it's okay guys really. I was scared shitless.. But now I can look back on this and laugh." They just smiled at me but after a while Liam said he was tired and was going to bed. Niall and Harry followed soon after.

When they left I felt something move, which scared me at first until I remembered Louis was holding me because I was still freaked out. He walked me over to the couch and laid  me down and then laid down beside me. Louis started to talk to me while we just sat there half asleep. "Steph I'm really sorry about before. I thought it would be funny but when you started to cry you scared me. I care about you so much it hurts to see you like that."

When he said that I almost cried. Nobody was ever nice to me like he was. It all seemed too good to be true, which frightened me, I love being with him. I'm just so afraid of getting hurt in the end, somehow I always get hurt in the end it's just my luck.

I turn around to face Louis, when he saw me looking at him he started to smile." I care about you a lot too. And don't worry about it, I know that you guys were just having fun. Trust me looking at it now it's hilarious."

We looked In each other's eyes for a while. We were in some kind of trance until Louis looked down at my face. I knew what was about to happen, my heart told me let it happen. While my head told me to stop it. But my heart won this battle of going back in forth and I let him kiss me.

When he kissed me I got the same sparks I got when he held my hand. Everything felt so right. But there was still one part of me having my guard up. I didn't want to get hurt. Maybe it was okay to let my guard down once in a while and take a chance. Louis made me want to take a chance everything about him made me a better person. I just hope I won't regret this in the end, if anything does happen between us.

Louis smiled at me and pulled me closer to his chest. Which made me smile. I couldn't help but to react to Louis this way. It's like I had no control. If I'm being honest I liked not having control over these situations with Louis. I know I've only known him for a short amount of time but I trust him. I hope he trusts me as much as I trust him...
Thank you for reading! I'll update again soon:);)

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