Chapter 38

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Stephanie's POV:

Ever since I confronted Liam about what happened with Louis everything has not been the same. It just upsets me that something like this even happened. I haven't brought the subject up much, I am hoping that maybe whatever Liam is going through is just a phase. This person that has been with me the past couple days isn't the Liam that I love. He is changing.

But all of my hope is useless in a situation like this, in order to try and fix this I need to talk to Liam. We are currently in Texas, we have been for a few days. Liam has been out in the recording studio or doing concerts lately. But when he comes back to me he is very distant. Just knowing that this is our first possible fight or argument upsets me. I don't want Liam and I to become distant. I still love him with my whole heart, nothing will change that and I hope he feels the same way after all of this.

I look to my right as I'm sitting in bed to see that the alarm clock reads 8:30pm. Which means that Liam will be back soon, I am nervous, I just don't want anything to be ruined. As I sit here I can't help but think about all the possible events that can occur from Louis making one stupid mistake.

The sound of the hotel room door opening interrupts my thoughts.All I want to do is talk to Liam, I need to explain everything again. He went straight to the bathroom to change without saying a word to me just like he has been doing for a few days now. It hurts me, I love when he is so happy to see me when he gets back from work. I would kill to see that side of Liam again, even if it has not been that long, it seems like ages. What have I done.

I just sit on our bed looking up at the ceiling while waiting for Liam. I can feel my hands start to shake from being so nervous, I do not want to bring the topic up again but I know that I have to. The thing is, I shouldn't be nervous he's my boy friend, my boy friend who I feel so safe and secure with. But you know me by now, I get nervous over the tiniest things, and this just happens to be one of those things.

Not even a minute later Liam walks out of the bathroom and climbs right into bed. The more I think about it the more I want to wait until tomorrow. Bur I know that I will chicken out of this discussion if I don't do it now. I always have this small battle inside of my head before talking to somebody about something serious.

I look at Liam for a moment and then start to speak. "Liam?" I say poking him lightly to get his attention. He doesn't respond. For every second I wait for his response I can feel my heart race an extra 10 miles per hour. I try to get his attention again after having no success from the first time. "Liam?" I poke him once more.

This time he mumbles, clearly annoyed "what?". 'You can do this Steph you're not chickening out'. I take a deep breath and continue with this conversation. "I can see it Liam. I see it in your eyes." My vision starts to get blurry from the tears in my eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're not the same anymore. These past few days you have been avoiding me with any chance you get. And when you're with me, like right now for example, you look at me with annoyance and disgust. Not the love that you once used to look at me with. I told you that what Louis did was nothing and I thought you understood that."

"How do you expect me to just accept the fact that Louis kissed you?! How do you expect me to accept that some other man touched you in a way that I should only touch you ?Stephanie please tell me, how?!"

"I don't expect you to just accept it but after I told you, you seemed okay and I thought you understood. But you can't blame me... I didn't want that to happen if I could I would go back in time and make sure that I never went to see him. I only care about you, I only love YOU! Why can't you understand that."

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