Chapter 26

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Stephanie's POV:

The first day that Brooklyn and Courtney were here we spent time with the boys. But then after that first day, the three of us just walked around Dubland for a while taking in the site in front of us. It was still mesmerizing to look at even though we have been here for about 4 days. It never seized to amaze me. It's just sad to think that today's the last day here in Ireland.

But the fact that we are leaving Ireland doesn't hurt the most. What hurts the most is that when we leave we will be going our separate ways. Except for Courtney and Brooklyn, they are going home together. I don't want them to leave and it makes me upset to think about it. But at least Liam will be there for me.

We walk around Ireland for about another hour. But before we knew it the hour that we all dreaded most arrived. I went back to their hotel room with them to help get their stuff ready. Which only took about 15 minutes, I wish it would have taken longer because then we would have had more time together.

As we are leaving the hotel together with the boys I can see Courtney and Harry and Brooklyn and Niall savoring their last moments together for a while. They are holding hands looking as if they never wanted to let go. Looking at how upset they look breaks my heart, I wish they can stay but they can't.

Trust me I have asked Liam about it and he gladly went to management to ask because he told me the boys wanted them to stay as well. But sadly when he asked they had told him that there are too many people on tour already and having more would be too much for them to handle.

It confused me at first because I had thought that I was the only one on tour with them. But then it suddenly came to me, Louis. He probably has that girl Taylor with him, but he's been too busy ignoring me to even notice.

I am so deep in thought that I hadn't noticed we are now parked in front of the airport. Before I know it my eyes start to tear up, I try my hardest not to cry, otherwise Brooklyn and Courtney would start crying too. We start walking through the airport and when we arrive at the gate where they will board the plane, they turn around. And as they turn around they come up to me and give me a big hug, we stay like that for what seemed like only a few seconds, they have to get on the plane. But before they leave they hug Niall and Harry for the last time for a while.

Harry gives Courtney a quick kiss as does Niall to Brooklyn. I feel so bad for them, when they are together I can see that Brooklyn and Courtney look at Niall and Harry the way I look at Liam. And I know for one thing that if I have to ever leave Liam I will be an emotional wreck. As I watch them board the plane I can't help but let the tears flow. I don't want to cry but at least they are on the plane now and won't see me.

Right when I start to cry I feel multiple people giving me a hug, Niall, Liam, and Harry. The thought of having someone here for me right now made me smile. After we see their plane take off we exchange more tears with more group hugs and then decide to head back to the hotel to get ready to leave Ireland. All I remember is silently crying myself to sleep on the way back.

Courtney's POV:

After I board the plane and take my seat, I look out the little window. We haven't even left the airport and I miss them so much already. I just wish that I can stay with them forever. But at least I can text Harry and Stephanie, so I won't be loosing them completely.

Brooklyn's POV:

After I board the plane I look out the wind... Hey wait a second, damn it Courtney has the window seat. Well as I look at Courtney's head all I can think about is missing Nialls laugh, his beautiful blue eyes, and contagious smile. Then I think about how I will miss the gossiping between Courtney, Stephanie and I together. It won't be the same without them. But I guess it is a good thing that I can still text Niall and Stephanie, so I won't be loosing them completely.

Nothing can make me feel better right now. Well I mean unless I get a triple cheeseburger with onions and no lettuce from Mc Donald's. But Niall loves those cheeseburgers, I start to cry even more, why did I have to leave them.

Stephanie's POV:

I an waken up when we arrive at the hotel. When I get up Liam just looks at me giving me a reassuring smile. Which I return with a half smile. When we arrive to the hotel room we start to pack up our things to get ready for our flight which is at 11 pm tonight, I look at the clock to see its 9 pm when I finish packing up my few things. As usual it takes Liam a little while longer to finish packing up which makes me laugh, then he starts laughing at me laughing. Which always seems to happen as well. And before I know it the whole room is filled with our laughter. Just like past depressing times Liam makes everything better.

We spend the remaining time just sitting on the bed talking about what we love about Ireland. I think to myself that maybe we should make this one of our traditions. After each place we visit we can just sit down and talk about what we love about it, sure it sounds boring but it really isn't. Not when you're doing it with somebody you care about.

Before I know it, it is time to leave. It is a little upsetting, but not as upsetting as when Brooklyn and Courtney left earlier today. I try not to think about it because then I will start crying.

After about 20 minutes we arrive at the airport that we were at earlier today and we start to walk through the airport. As we walk all the memories from earlier today start rushing back, but I try to push them away , I need to cheer up, maybe later we can FaceTime when I get to the next hotel in Japan. Maybe I do have something to look forward to, I always wanted to see Japan.

When we get all settled on the plane I suddenly start to feel better, I'm not as upset as I was before. And for once I don't feel like falling asleep on the plane well not yet at least. As I sit there waiting for the plane to depart I look out the window and just think about everything that has happened so far and it's just crazy to think about all of it. How much everything has changed and even how I changed, I am a happier person with Liam around, well except for today. I love being happy but what I love more is that Liam is the one who makes me happy.

All of a sudden I see the plane start to lift up into the sky and I notice that the dark sky and stars come into view. When we are finally in flight I look down at Liam's hand holding mine and smile. But as I look down I find myself very interested in his tattoo of the four arrows on his arm. I've seen this tattoo many times on him but I just find it interesting all of a sudden. "Why did you decide to get that tattoo?" I say pointing to it while smiling. "Well.." He says while lifting up his arm to look at the tattoo for himself. "Each arrow represents the boys and I one arrow for Harry, Niall, Louis, and myself. It represents how we keep moving forward." I smile at the thought of him getting a tattoo with so much meaning to him.

"I think I want a tattoo." I say truthfully to Liam. I was shocked at what I said but it is true. I've always thought about getting one but was too scared to actually do it. But I also want the tattoo to have meaning, I just can't think of anything meaningful.

Liam looks at me and is both shocked and happy. "You want a tattoo?" I nod my head a little too excited "but I want it to have meaning to it. So I need time to think about it." He just looks at me and smiles. "If.. Well when I decide to get a tattoo could you be there with me? I don't want to go alone. I don't really like needles." I say truthfully "of course." He says answering while hugging me.

After our little I just look out the small window, the look of the dark sky made me tired so I soon find myself dozing off. I knew that I would get tired eventually with this long flight ahead of me. All of a sudden I fall into a deep sleep, laying my head on Liam's shoulder. I can't wait to see Japan. But I will miss Courtney and Brooklyn.

Sorry for a late update but I hope you liked this chapter. I tried to make it longer.
Thank You for reading! It means a lot and please remember to vote and comment. :)

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