Chapter 37

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Stephanie's POV:

I have to do this, if not I will not be able to live with myself I'm telling Liam the truth. I finally enter our hotel room telling myself over and over again that I can do this. I slowly open the door, when it's finally open all the way I walk even slower into the bedroom.

As soon as I walk in the room Liam looks towards me and can tell somethings not right, this is why I could never lie to Liam, it would break my heart. "What's the matter babe?" I froze for a minute thinking about what I was about to say. If I didn't tell him now I never would, I quickly say the three words I would dread. "Louis kissed me." As soon as I said it I could see the hurt in his eyes and nervousness I need to explain to him.

Before he could think of any stupid reasons I had to explain. "I went there to ask him a question. Just like I told you I was, I needed to know why he broke up with Taylor. Now I know that it was stupid of me to ask him, really stupid. But I.. I just don't know..for some reason I needed to know. I went in there and asked, only because he invited me in. When I asked him he got really defensive, which I could understand , it really isn't any of my business. Now I know that. But we got into an argument and he told me that he loved me. But.. I don't love him back and I told him just that. So there's not a part of me that loves him in that way, I love you. I love him as family not like a boyfriend. I only love you. I'm sorry Liam, I'm so sorry. I did not plan on any of that happening."

Liam sat there staring at me in a daze trying not to believe that Louis kissed me. I can not blame him, he probably hates me.  I can't bare to know that the person I give all my love to hates me. My emotions start to go wild and everything that just occurred build up inside of me and I start to cry. But then Liam grabs my face.

"This isn't your fault. Maybe that question shouldn't have been asked..but him kissing you is his fault." "I know but I'm really sorry Liam, I don't want you mad at me. Right when he kissed me I pushed him away." Liam looks at me and his face softens but I can still see the anger flashing in his eyes.

"I'm not mad at you. You didn't kiss Louis, louis kissed you." As he finishes talking he gets up and starts storming for the front door of our room. I know exactly where he is going. Even though I know Louis is wrong, he doesn't need to be any more upset tonight. Besides I don't want the boys to be pushed far apart all because of me. I get up and run up to Liam.

His face was red with anger. I take his face into my hands. "Liam." He doesn't look at me. "Liam. It's not worth it. I love you and you love me. Nothing and nobody else matters. Trust me you don't want to do this." As I finish talking to him he lets go of the door handle and starts to walk towards me. "You're right. This." He says pointing to the both of us. "Is all that matters." With that he starts to kiss me.

But after a few minutes that kiss turns into more. I start to think about stopping this from going any further. But then I just look into Liam's eyes and he looks into mine, and it is now that I know if I'm going to do this there's nobody I would rather do it with than Liam.

He looks at me before going any further knowing that I am probably apprehensive, but I just nod "I'm ready." He smiles at me "Are you positive?" I nod my head once again "Absolutely. I love you." I bring his face down to mine and start to kiss him. As we continue to kiss Liam mumbles "I love you too."

Courtney's POV:

I am currently sitting in the hotel room with Harry. It seems so surreal.. finally being here with him. All we have done that past few months was FaceTime, Skype, or text. But now I am actually here with him and it feels great.

"You want to watch a movie babe?" I get  butterflies in my stomach every time that Harry calls me babe. He can kill me with his words, and let's not even mention his looks."Sure" I don't care what we do as long as he is here with me and not over some dumb screen. We haven't exactly put a label to our relationship. Yes we have been talking for months but I don't want to push Harry, it's his choice.

We start to look on Netflix for what seems like hours until we agree on watching John Wick. It's a great movie. I can't wait to watch it with Harry.

--1 hour later--

I love this movie. Personally, my favorite part is when he says "people have been asking me if I'm back and I really haven't had an answer but yea I'm thinking I'm back!" For some reason I laugh every time. Oh and yea I might repeat that line once in a while.

I start saying my favorite part over and over again while laughing. I can feel Harry's eyes on me but I try to ignore it. After repeating the line a few times I try to turn my attention back to the movie but I can still feel Harrys stare. "what?" I say blushing.

He smiles "nothing." I shrug and turn towards the screen once again. But of course as I try to watch the movie, he still stares at me. I turn to ask him why he keeps staring but he just grabs my face and kisses me. I smile into the kiss and start to kiss him back. He pulls away for a second "sorry I've been wanting to do that." I start to blush like crazy "It's fine. I don't mind." He laughs and to my surprise he kisses me again. But this time it got heated.

I know that I'm older than Hannah, but I've never been in a relationship which means I've never kissed anybody or lost my virginity. So I am always nervous around guys. But I can trust Harry and for some reason I have never been that nervous around him, I can be myself.

Before anything happens Harry pulls away "Will you be my girlfriend?" I didn't expect Harry to ask me this any time soon I'm just  shocked. "I'd love to be your girlfriend Harry." Even though Harry just asked me I have always kind of felt like we were a couple. I didn't need a label.  I always felt like we were close and that I was his girlfriend, in some way I believe that Harry felt that way too.

I can try and tell you what else happens but I think you know where it all is starting to head. Let's just say things got pretty steamy, I trust Harry and I don't want anybody else to do this with me.

Brooklyn's POV:

Niall and I are currently out at a restaurant. The best restaurant ever. You ready to know what restraunt it is? I don't think you are... But I'll tell you anyway...*drum roll* MC DONALDS. I know, I know  you're jelly. Sorry..nope just Kidding...I'm loving it.

As we sit here we talk about the past few months of our lives. I can't help but stare into Nialls blue eyes. They are so dreamy.. Wait that's right speaking of dreams, a while back Niall had a dream at the park and he never told me what was on that burger in his dream. "Hey Niall?" "Yes." He says smiling. "Remember when we fell asleep in that park a few months back?" Niall chuckles "Yea why?" "Well you said something about a hamburger in your dream so I was wondering.. What exactly was on that burger?" There is one thing that I know for a fact and that is that Niall and I never joke about food. He looks at me with a straight face and answers "well what any regular burger has meat, lettuce, pickles, the most beautiful slice of tomato, and you wouldn't believe the quality.. There's just no words."

"That sounds so beautiful." I go into a daze talking about that hamburger. That is until Niall snaps me out of it "Yea you're right it was beautiful. But not as beautiful as you." I start to blush like crazy. We both just sit here staring into each others eyes. But then it starts to get a little chilly so we decide to walk back to Nialls car. Before I reach for the handle Niall pulls me close to him and leans down to kiss me but me being the cults I am I turn my head the wrong way and we butt heads.

Nialls then pulls away and starts laughing and turns around to get to his side of the car. Great Brook you just ruined a great moment. Ugh I wanted to kiss him. If I could I would smack myself across the face but that would just be even more embarrassing. When I get into the car I just look out the window and think about how I just ruined that moment and what could of happened. As I look out the window I see in the reflection that Niall is turned to me and is smiling.

When I see him smile at me my heart melts. I love his smile, his laugh, heck I love everything about this boy. Besides we both love food so I like him even more for that. I might have messed up this moment but I'm sure our moment will happen eventually and I will cherish that moment forever. Now if only I can have that hamburger Niall dreamed about...

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'll be updating again soon. Please remember to vote and comment on my book! Again thank you for reading I appreciate it:) -Hannah;)

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