Chapter 1- New Things and Surprises

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Hey everyone! It's me wdsw22 and i'd just like to say this is my first actual writing project that i REALLY like and i wanted to know what the rest of you guys think about it. Please note that I am now OFFICIALLY EDITING it and things might change. I will let you know if anything does. Thank you and enjoy!

Chapter 1

I got to get out of here! I thought as I took off running from where I was being attacked by a guy two times my size.  I was just walking home from the library with a pile of new books my mom wanted and all of a sudden a guy jumped out at me from behind a bush and kicked me in the ribs. I felt for sure that my ribs were bruised once I felt the pain and took off running for home as fast as I could.

            I was only a block from my house so I knew that  if I could just round the corner and slip into the coffee shop, I could easily hide in the bathrooms for about five minutes and then sneak out the back and could make it home in two minutes.

            “Hey get back here!” I heard the guy shout and take off running after me.

            I started to run faster and I noticed that I was actually creating space between us. I rounded the corner as fast as I could and ran into the coffee shop then ducked into the bathrooms just as the guy got in the front door. I tried to slow my breathing as I checked to make sure the bathroom was empty and then I slipped into a stall to hide.

            After hiding for five minutes I quickly grabbed my bag that I was caring my mom’s books in and stepped out of the stall.

            I checked to make sure the coast was clear and hurried out of the coffee shop. Then I headed for home looking back every once and a while to make sure that I wasn’t being followed. When I got home I stepped inside and locked the door behind me.

            I dropped the books off in the kitchen and headed upstairs to my room where I quickly changed into my pajamas. As I was pulling off my t-shirt I felt something light like a feather and instinctively reached behind me to grab it. But when I grabbed it I felt a tug and turned around so I could see it in the mirror. What I saw I couldn’t believe. There was a line of feathers going down my back. As I grabbed it, it stretched out to reveal a…a wing?




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