Chapter 28

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  • Dedicated to All my readers, friends, family and my English teacher! You all have been so sup


Hello people! I am proud to anounce but also sad to say that this is the final chp in Hannah Crutz: The Part of Me I Never Knew! Eeeeeppp!!!! i finished my first book! omg!! i have such a good feeling right now! Now i dont know how many of u r wondering but i am thinking of doing a sequel! but that might not b right away :( i have another story im working on so that ones commin 1st srry :/ but now im pleased to present: (drum roll please!...) the final chapter of Hannah Crutz: The Part of Me I Never Knew!

Chapter 28

            As I stood there, smoothing out my dark blue, halter strap, ball gown that I was going to wear to the ball, I looked at myself in the mirror. My gown was made of silk, and had diamonds lining the edges. My hair was curled, but left down so that my crown could fit nicely on my head, and I swore I had on ten pounds of makeup. I also had on very cute and stylish dark blue flats, that when I wore them my gown just barley hit the ground. I looked drop dead.

            Then I walked over to one of my windows and looked out at all the land around the castle. The leaves had just started to fall, and now it looked like someone had decided to make a quilt out of leaves. Then I walked over to the door, twisted the knob, and walked out of there, ready to face the world.

As I stood at the top of the stairs, in the ball room, I couldn’t help but think about Violet. She was so nice to me, and I liked her so much. She was like the sister I never had. Then as I stood there being depressed, suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder and I spun around to see Aaron standing there in a tux.

            His tux was black and he had on black shoes and pants to match. His shaggy brown hair was neatly combed back, and he had his tie tied neatly, too. He stood there, with his hand behind his back, and then a flash of light appeared before he brought it back out, and around with a rose.

            I stood there looking at him sweetly, and gingerly took the rose. Then I looked at him in a thank you kind of way and then used my telepathy to make a vase come to me and I put the rose in it. Next I put the vase down on a nearby table and walked back over to him.

            “Thank you.” I said taking his hands in mine.

            “For what?”

            “For everything.” I said, and then a slow dance came on, and he pulled me down the stairs and onto the dance floor. There he put his hands on my waist and I rapped my arms around his shoulders.  We stood there dancing till it was time to eat and then we sat next to each other.

            “I’d like to make a toast.” Mom said from where she was standing at the head of the table, holding up her glass. “To everyone here tonight. Especially to all our children. You never know what to expect with them.” She said looking at me, and then everyone clanked thier glasses and took a sip of their drinks.

            After the meal, Aaron and I went out to the balcony to just talk alone and slow down a bit. As we stood there, in the cool night air, looking up at the sky, I couldn’t think of anything but what had happened since we came here to Galactia. I had only been in Galactia for probably two weeks and already this place felt like home. All the friends I made, all the places I’ve gone, all the things I’ve learned. I never expected this to happen to me. Then I looked up at the sky and saw one star sweep across the sky.

            “Make a wish.” Aaron whispered in my ear. But I didn’t know what to wish for. I already had what I wanted. A full family, tons of friends that liked me, for me. I had everything I wanted.

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