Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

 “Who are you?” I asked sitting up so I could fly out of there if I needed to.

“Oh we’re your new doctors”, the first doctor said and they both stepped closer.

“Not what you are. Who you are”, I said crossing my arms.

“Oh. I’m…ummm…Fallen and this is… Steve. Yah. Now how about you just relax and we’ll-“ The black haired lady said.

“You know you don’t do well under cover, right?”

“Do what?” They both asked.

So I grunted a little and then I opened my wings and started flying towards the door.

“Get her!” one of them shouted and then they started grabbing for me.

“Get her before she gets away!” The other shouted as I flew out the door. I immediately saw Aaron and yelled to him.

“Aaron! Get out of here! Leave now!” Then I flew down the hall to Ben’s room with the WEA people coming out the door.

“Excuse me! Parton me!” I shouted as I flew down the hall to Ben’s room while those “doctors” got lost in the crowd.

“Ben!” I shouted as I busted into his room. “Help! The WEA is here! Where’s your disk Dad gave you?” I said and then I sat down in a wheelchair he had in his room so I could start rummaging around the room.

“What? What are you talking about?” He asked slowly getting out of his bed and walking over to me.

“The WEA. They’re here. In the castle. They were just in my room but I got out of there!”

“Oh no! M.M. Monica to meet us in your room”, he said and then ran back to his bed to grab the disk.

“Are you crazy!? We don’t know how many people they have here. They could be in there!”

“Well then what do you suppose we do?!” He asked and then a second later the “doctors” along with some old friends opened the door and came charging towards us.

“Well I know what we should do now. RUN!!!!” I screamed and then I got up and flew around near the ceiling and Ben turned into a bat. Then I grabbed him and turned us invisible. Next I flew us out of there and into the hall.

Monica! You hear me?!

Yah? What is it?

The WEA! They’re here- in the castle!

What? How do you know?

Hmmm…let me start with: they’re chasing us!

Well where are you headed?

Where are you? We’ll meet you there! I thought to her and then I flew around a corner and into the library.

I’m in the library coming down the stairs!

Good! I see you! Here we come!

Where are you I can’t see you! She said once she got to the bottom of the steps.

Then I let go of Ben and Monica noticed him. Next I turn back to visible and she ran right to me once I landed near a chair.

“Are you all right?!” She asked looking me up and down carefully.

“Yah. Ben?”

“Yah he said shortly after he turned back into himself and went to lock the doors.

“You guys need to get out of here!” Monica said looking around for an escape route. “Oh. I know! Follow me!” She said and then she opened her wings and we flew up to the third story of the library, where books covered every square inch of the place.

Then we landed and Ben came over to help me until Monica was ready.

“In here”, she said and then she started to pull out a book but then she pushed it back in and the whole shelf slide out and over to reveal a passageway. “Come on!” she said and then they walked in and I flew behind them, just before the shelf slide shut behind me.

The inside of the passageway was totally dusty, filthy, and full of cobwebs. Everywhere you looked you could see spiders on their webs that were covered in dust, not bugs. The sides of the tunnel had torches on them every few yards and where made of stones that looked like if you touched them they would crumble. 

“How old is this pace?” Ben asked after awhile.

“About a couple centuries old. Has only been used once since”, Monica replied looking around just like we were doing.

“When was the first time?” I asked slightly nervous.

“Right now”, she replied and I got even more nervous.

“Well do you know where we’re going?” I asked.

“A little. All I really know is that it leads to your dad’s office.”

“Wait!” Ben said a little nervous but still kept walking. “isn’t his office on the first floor?” He asked and then no sooner had he said that he walked over the stone edge in the floor and fell down, into the darkness below.

“Ben!” I shouted, followed by the sound of a poof, and Ben coming out of the darkness.

Then Monica said to stay put and she opened her wings to fly down and take a look.

“It’s fine down here!” She yelled up. “There’s a door- I can feel it!”

“Okay we’re coming down!” I yelled back and we flew down there. Down there was just like the part up there. Dusty, cobwebs, spiders, more cobwebs. The only difference was that there was a door. But it was locked.

“What are we gonna do now, Ben”, I asked after he turned back to normal.

“What!? Why do I have to come up with a plan now?” He complained.

“Because I came up with the first one”, I answered like it was as clear as day.

“Well then. How about since we can’t find a key then how about we just pound on the door?” He asked and then started pounding in the door. Witch, about a minute later, resulted in the door opening, and Monica being pulled out by someone from the WEA.

“Monica!” We both screamed but then too more people came in and managed to grab me and Ben.

“Monica!” I screamed to her but she was a little tided up- literally. They had tied her wrists and ankles together and were putting duck tape over her mouth. Then they threw her back into the passage way and closed the door.

Next they did the same to Ben, but to me they did more. First they tied my wrists. Then they ducked taped my mouth. Next they decided that it wouldn’t hurt themselves it they tied my feet together to so they did that. Last of all to finish it off, and to make sure I couldn’t get away, they duck taped my wings to my back and threw us both in sacks.

Then they brought us over to the window, opened it, and connected the sacks to a rope so they could lower us down. When I was about six feet from the ground some more WEA’s grabbed my bag and untied it from the rope. Next they did the same thing to Ben and once we both were on ground level they took us out of our sacks and put us in the back of a truck. There we sat for at least six hours and when they took us out I was ninety-nine plus one percent sure we weren’t anywhere near the castle.

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