Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Well the next Monday at school didn’t go to well either. I was on the lookout for any signs of danger like the administration guys and was on my toes so much that when Ivy came up behind me, at the end of the day as I was leaving school, I jumped and turned around so I was in a position ready to attack.

“Hey!” Ivy said stepping back, “What’s up with you?’

“Oh”, I said relaxing a bit, “Sorry. Just been on the edge lately.”

“What’s up with you? You’ve been acting strange all day.”

“Nothing, just a bit restless”, I said and then muttered under my breath, “And on the lookout for weirdoes.”



“Okay”, Ivy said stepping in front of me, “What’s going on. You’ve been on your toes all day. At lunch you kept looking around and then zoning out. In math class kept looking behind you…. What’s going on?”

Then with that I knew I had to tell her but didn’t know if I should trust her. Yah she’s kept all my other secrets like when I had a crush on this boy in our grade and when I was the one who put all the extra chalk in Mr. Alto’s book bag that he carries all our homework in, but this was totally different. This was a secret so big I didn’t know if she could handle it.

“Hannah?” Ivy asked, snapping me out of it.

“Huh? What?” I asked shaking my head, “Oh… ummmm… how about I call you later? Okay?”

“Alright then”, She said slowly letting me pass her by, “Just be careful. Don’t get into trouble.”

“Alright”, I called back thinking that hey I probably was going to cause trouble.. with some weirdoes on my way home.

Well guess what. I didn’t actually cause trouble with some weirdoes on the way home, but I did get stopped by some bullies from school. They call themselves the Gang. I know, pathetic name right? Let me just tell you this: these guys were bigger than me but smaller then the weirdoes. But also they know when something isn’t right about you or when you are having a bad day because they got me in both those spots.

“Hey… look at the Mess of the Day, guys. I mean she is a disaster! Did someone play Monkey in the Middle with you and your homework on the way to school?” said Mason, the biggest and meanest guy at school and in the Gang.

 “Buzz off, Dumpster Boys!” I yelled and tried to get by them but they just surrounded me.

“Hey! Cool it, Sissy”, said Jack another bully in Mason’s gang, “We just want to make the Odd Ball feel like they can fit in more, right guys? She looks like she’s having a bad hair day.” He said then tugged on my hair that I left just hang down around my face today.

“Back! Off!” I shouted then charged through them with all my might. What really surprised me was that I didn’t know I was that strong; I plowed right through them and knocked them over. Next I ran the rest of the way home and went straight to Ben’s room.

 He had gotten home before me and was up in his room working on his laptop. Inside his room he had all his baseball and soccer trophies on shelves. He also had some books and other knickknacks on shelves too. He had a dark blue and black bed spread with matching pillows.

“Hey”, I said taking a seat on his bed next to him.

 “Hey. So what do you want”, he said closing his laptop and sitting up straight next to me.

“What do you mean?” I said trying to hide my anxiousness but failed miserably, “Oh, alright. Can I tell Ivy I’m an angel?” Then I worried look crossed his face. 

“What! No! Are you crazy? As far as we know she could be working for them”, he said going a little over board, “Why would you ever want to tell her that. If she found out she’d freak and don’t say that she wouldn’t because she’s come over enough times that I know she would.”

“Awwww, come on. You can tell Jason or Brendan and I can tell Ivy. It’ll work out just perfectly. She already knows I’m hiding something. She pointed it out before I left school today. I don’t like lying to her, you know.”

“I know but we just can’t take the chance-“ Ben started but just then Mom brst in to the room.

“Take the chance of what?” Mom asked sitting down on the bed next to me and started rubbing my back. Then alarms went off in my head and I shook her hand off before she could feel my wings. Ben must have had the alarms to and changed the subject.

“Mom, do you ever knock?” He asked.

“Ben you know I don’t because I’m your mom. Now what do you want to do over the weekend? Do you guys want to have friends over before we leave in two more weeks?” My mom asked and my brother and I exchanged glances.

Please! I mentally pleaded. We can tell our friends then. Then we won’t have to tell them in the middle of the week and they’ll have all weekend to adjust to it. Then his questioning expression on his face changed a little and he had a slight surprised look on his face. Then he looked at mom and said sure while I shook my head and she left.

“Did you just send me a mental message?” he said alarmed.

“What? Why would you think-“ I started but then I realized that I had actually sent him a message with my mind, “Sweet!”

“Hannah?” Mom called. “Can you come help me with dinner?”

“Coming Mom!” I yelled then turned back to Ben. “Hey now that we know that “things” are popping up out of nowhere, look up the World Experiment Administration and see what you can find, okay?”

“O-key Doe-key”, he said and I went down stairs to help Mom with supper.

Hannah Crutz: The Part of Me I Never KnewWhere stories live. Discover now