Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

            When I saw my house I flew down and landed in the trees behind it and snuck around so I could see my porch doors. I was so lucky that my mom had not locked them because she actually came home early today. But then again I was not lucky because my brother was in my room when I flew in.

            “Whoa! Watch it and how can you do that?” He asked.

            “How can I do what?” I asked trying to keep my secret safe as I scrambled to my feet.

            “Oh don’t play games with me I know you are an angel and I am a vampire”, he said, as if it was usual for some fourteen year old girl to have wings.

“What!” I shouted just to have him cover my mouth to muffle the sound, “What! You are a what?”

“A vampire. Now keep it down. I know I can trust you because when I found some white feathers in your room and heard you land in the trees. Then saw you fly in though the window I knew you were an angel.”

“Ok… you got my attention. Now just how can you prove to me that you’re a vampire?” I asked trying to outsmart him.

“By these.” He said as he opened his mouth to show me his fangs. “Now don’t say those are just fake fangs because I tried to remove them for an hour and failed. Then I can also do this.” He said and stood up and jumped into the air then turned into a bat.

“Whoa!” I said and I fell off my bed backwards and landed hard on the floor, “How can you do that?”

Then he kind of jumped in the air again and turned back into his normal self.

“I don’t know. All I really know is that when I was gonna jump onto my bed earlier I jumped and I looked down to see my bat wings.”

“Okay… so now what? Mom will probably ground me for the rest of my life because I was gone for like three days. Then I won’t be able figure out a lot more about this World Experiments Administration thing and-“ I started but my brother interrupted me.

“The what? The World Experiments Administration. Where did you hear about that? Did they get you too?”

“They got you too?” I asked not expecting that, “Okay look I was just trying to see if I could fly and I found out I could so then I wanted to see how long it would take me to get from here to that lake Uncle Phil took me to last year and some guys kidnapped me, alright.”

“Alright. Well guess what, I got kidnapped about three days ago by the same administration and they kept calling me weird nicknames.”

“Me too”, I said getting up so that we were both standing to face each other, “They kept calling me Little Angel or just Angel!”

Then with a grin he said, “Nice, but they kept calling me Dracula! Then they-“ And that’s all he had time to say before our mom burst in.

“Hey, Ben what do you want for dinner? Hannah your back!” she said and rushed up to hug me. “Where have you been for the past two days?”

“I Ivy’s house. Yah. She invited me to come over after supper and I didn’t have time to tell you so I asked Ben to.” Then I turned to him and asked him, “You did tell mom I was going to Ivy’s, right?”

Then with a shocked look on his face he caught on. “No I must have forgotten to because Brendan invited me over too. Then I thought I called you up to let you know but I guess I forgot to do that to.”

Brendan and Ivy are brother and sister. Peanut butter and Jelly but they both have their ups and downs about being brother and sister too.

Then with a hint of anger on mom’s face she let us off the hook and just told us to tell her next time. Then she left the room.

“Few…”, I said as I let go of the breath I was holding.

“No duh.” My brother said collapsing down on my bed.

“Now what? We can’t tell her-- she’ll freak.”

“I don’t know. I guess we’ll just have to keep it a secret from her for a while”, my brother answered.

“Well get out of my room alright. I’m gonna change into a shirt without slits in it so during supper Mom doesn’t get any ideas. Oh and see what you can do about those fangs—they stick out to much”, I said as I started shooing him out of my room.

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