Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Once we were changed we meet the boys in the hall and we told Mom we were headed to the pool. Then we went outside and took off—literally. Ben took Brendan and I took Ivy and we soared so high we couldn’t be seen. When we could see the community pool we angled down sharply and prepared for impact.

“Ready?” I asked Ivy.

“Ready!” she answered and when we were about ten feet above the pool I tucked in my wings and cannon balled in right next to her. We went down to the bottom of the ten foot pool at full speed and once we touched the bottom we shot back up and swam to the side.

“That was awesome! Let’s do it again!” Ivy shouted.

“I know right? But we can’t do it again. People will wonder what’s going on and I’m so not taking the chance of other people seeing two girls, one with wings, cannon balling into a pool. Plus we were lucky no one was here.” 

“Oh alright… But that was still so cool!” Then we heard a huge splash and felt a big wave hit us. Next thing we knew Ben and Brendan were surfacing from under the water and were swimming over to us.

“That was so awesome!” Ben shouted.

“No. It was the coolest thing ever”, Brendan said as they reach the side of the pool we were on. Then we swam for another hour and started to dry off.

“So now what?” I asked as Ivy and I were headed to the bathrooms to dry off my wings just to make sure we could get home without hurting ourselves.

“Well I think our mom is going to be at your house soon and I haven’t even repacked my things.”

“Oh that’s right your mom’s coming to pick you up at noon”, I said checking under every stall to make sure that we were alone. Then we slipped into the last stall and began to dry my wings.

“Hay”, Ivy said, “I wonder if you just flap your wings really hard, like all the birds do after taking a bird bath, you’ll be able to dry off your wings super fast”

“Hey that’s a good idea!” I said then did exactly that. The next thing I knew we were being splattered with water.

“Hey!” Ivy exclaimed and started laughing. When I opened my eyes the entire stall was dripping with water.

“Whoa! What did you do? Take a whole gallon or two of water from the pool?” Ivy asked and stared laughing again and I did too. Then we heard Ben calling into the bathroom.

“You two almost done in there?”

“Yah”, we shout back and head out of the soaked bathroom stall.

When we were home we landed in the backyard and walked around to the front to go inside. Then we went upstairs and packed Ivy and Brendan’s things. Next we brought their things downstairs and placed them on the stairs. Then we headed back upstairs to talk till their mom got there.

            When their mom got there we headed down stairs and brought their things out to their car while our moms talked.

            “Hey if you ever need help or a place to hide just fly in”, Ivy said, “Ok?”

            “Ok”, I said getting the impression that she really meant the flying part. Then their mom came out and they drove back to their place.




okay you know what to do! please! i'll give you a hint: it''s right... about... there and there! ------------->




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