Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

When we reappeared we were my dad’s office. Immediately I saw Dad and he looked up and his clam expression turned into a worried expression. He got up out of his chair and went over to the wall and pulled a golden looking rope three times then ran over to us.

“What happened Monica?!” he said kneeling down next to me. “Where are Ivy and Brendan?”

“We were at Magic Park and some people from the administration I told you about, the WEA, attacked us. I don’t know what happened to Ivy and Brendan.”

“I gave Ivy my necklace”, I managed to croak out. “They’re back on earth at our place.” Then my throat began to burn and a new round of tears began to stream down my face. Next thing I knew some guards and some palace paramedics came rushing in with two gurneys and a first aid kit.

“Dad?!” I said and then he stood up to let the paramedics lift me up on to the gurney but I struggled against them. “Dad? Dad? Dad!” I yelled but to no avail. They had Ben strapped down on another gurney and were pushing him out the door and down the hall.

Then I started shouting and squirming and wiggling to try to get away but they thought I was going nuts.

“She’s going into a panic attack!” One of the paramedics exclaimed and they began strapping my arms and legs down.

“Take deep breaths”, another paramedic said trying to calm me down.

“No! No! Stop! Dad what’s going on?!” I shouted as they began to roll me down the hall now that they had me all strapped down. “Dad!”

“Monica go get Stephanie, I’ll help the paramedics”, I heard Dad say and then I heard footsteps running down the hall in the opposite direction. Then Dad came up to me and ran beside my gurney.

“Dad?!” I said trying to reach my hand out but they had it tied down hard.

“Hannah it’s okay. Just stay calm. Everything will be-“

“Where’s Ben? Where’s Ben? I want to know where Ben is!” I demanded struggling against the gurney’s straps.

“She’s having another panic attack!” the first paramedic yelled again and then the second paramedic put a gas mask over my mouth and nose.

“Where’s Ben? I want to know where Ben is!” I demanded and my eye lids began to feel heavy. “Stop! Stop! Where is Ben?!” I shouted and then the world went black.

Later I woke to the sound of beeping next to me and quiet whispers coming from my right side. I slowly pulled my eyes open and saw Mom and Dad talking to Monica in one corner of my room.

It actually wasn’t even my room. I was in one of the place's hospital rooms. The walls where an off white and the floor was made of white tiling. There was an IV taped to the inside of my elbow and a heart monitor on my right side. Then Monica saw I was awake and ran over to me.

“Hannah are you okay?” She said worry in her voice. But I couldn’t make a sound so I just nodded. Then I tried to switch positions in my bed but a pain shot up my leg and tears started to roll down my face. So I looked down at my right foot and saw it was in a cast with sky blue wrapping around it.

“Mom? Dad?” I managed to croak out but my throat felt like it was on fire and Mom must have noticed because she handed me some water.

“You just broke your foot and can’t put any weight on it for two weeks. Ben is fine to he came out of a coma about two hours ago”, Mom said taking the glass back.

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