Birthday Present?

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"MUM!! is breakfast ready?"

"In a minute"

"Kakei , u know your birthday's getting closer"

"Yeah, Mum i do"

"We'll make cheese cake for you okay?"

"Argg... Mum was that meant to be a joke?"



"Guys , my birthday's coming this Sunday , i want to call you guys home, K?"

"Sure , We'll play your playstation all day !"

"Remember when you guys took the present my mum gave me while we were in grade 2?"

"OH-that ..."

"You haven't gave them back , i still want those action figures u know!"

"Sure ,sure we'll bring 'em back"

*At School*

"I wonder if Saori-chan , Knows that i love her ?"

"Some of the girls already knew 'bout it and were started teasing me the last day"- he wondered

" IS SAORI-CHAN HERE"- replied a school prefect

"Yes"-she replied

"You may go , your parent's are waiting for you"

*Saori-chan takes her bags and bids her friends goodbye*

"Why'd she leave.... is she sick or something....?"

"Yeah ,this day doesn't get any better , does it?"- he said to himself

"Hey look at Kakei , he looks so sad now that Saori-chan left"- A boy mockingly said

"Shut Up , would ya?"- he shouted



"WHAT A DAY . Guess it's just another bad day , huh ?"- Kakei said to himself

"Kakei-senpai you're birthday's comming right?"

"Oh Yukki , i think you were looking for me yesterday i'd rekon it was to ask the same thing , right?.AND yes ! my birthdays commin' "

"Right!, and Senpai Do you need any gifts"

"Nope God has already given me such a fine one that I don't need any"


"Well gotta go catch my bus, and what's up with you ? your'e not splashing me nowdays?"


"See ya"

"Something is definetely wrong with her"- he thought

*At the bus*

"KAKEI ! your'e late again , you won't get a seat today! "

" Yeah i thought so."

"Kakei , your'e birthday's this comming sunday right ?"

"yup , Today's Friday Could you please wear something nice , such as a coat"

"Sure , it's your birthday after all"

"YEAH ! thanks"


"I hope Saori-chan's alright . Maybe i'll give her a huge chocolate on Sunday ..."

"Sometimes i just wonder why do we even celebrate Birthdays? "


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